Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pioneer Day

We went to Logan this past week to celebrate Pioneer Day with my family.
Thursday morning we took the kids up by my Aunt Bonnie's house to see the North Logan parade. I grew up going to this parade every year and participated off and on throughout the years in my ward or a school group. The kids enjoyed the parade, they had a plethora of candy flung their way, and had fun chatting with the family we were surrounded by. I made Kendal a pioneer bonnet for fun this year. She helped me pick out the fabric and loved wearing it. After the parade we went to my Aunt Bonnie's house and spent some time catching up. The kids played on her trampoline and enjoyed picking raspberries with Sue. Following Bonnie's we went to the community carnival down the road at the park. David took Kendal and ran around in the water that the local fire department was shooting out across the field. There were long lines to all of the activities so she picked one thing to do and then she and Peter rode a kiddie train. It was hot and nearing lunch time so we headed back to my parents. My Nana joined us for lunch.We had our traditional and super delicious baked beans and potato salad (Can't have a Loosle gathering in the summer without those two foods.) along with some yummy fruit and hot dogs. That afternoon the kids blew bubbles and played out back with my Nana. Later we went to the pool at David and Anica's apartments. Kendal was clingy in an open pool but still loved being in the water. Peter enjoyed himself, but was shivering before too long. Luckily they had a small heated pool. We ate dinner at a family favorite Fredrico's. After we put the kids to bed we enjoyed playing some games to end the evening.
Friday morning we hung out at my parents house. The kids rode bikes and we played outside. My parents and sister took Kendal to walk around the Temple and while Casey and I ran a couple of errands with Peter. We met up at the castle playground just a few blocks from the Temple for a picnic lunch and some play time. I have to say this park is one of my favorites to go to in Logan with the kids. It's amazing and so much fun. The kids had a wonderful time sliding and going around to the train, boat, climbing wall, etc. David and Anica joined us later and we enjoyed some tin foil dinners and more family time. It was a good couple of days and we had a great time (just missed seeing my brother Andy and his family though.).
Saturday morning we left Logan and headed to Raft River to the Brown reunion at the water slide. We haven't been to this reunion in years so we didn't know many people but we had fun. Kendal and Peter were so happy going up the hill and down the slide for a few hours. We ate lunch and continued on a bit till it got to hot and we were done being wet. We headed back to Casey's parents house, played, and ate dinner together.
It was another busy week filled with family and fun! Still more reunion fun next weekend before we end our summer adventures!
- As usual I forgot my Camera. Most of these are from Casey's phone with a few I emailed to myself from my Mom's camera. I didn't take any photo's at the water slide, but wish I had.

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