Saturday, November 23, 2013

Let the games begin

The girls basketball team has had four games in the past week. All home games so far. Casey's C - team (aka freshman) played three out of the four games and won all three games. JV won the three games they played and Varsity has won one and lost three. (two were close games though). I think Casey is still a bit surprised to have a winning team, and it's hard to always see the positive when you break down the stats and know what they could've done better; but I guess that's how a coaches mind works. Casey is still a pretty laid back coach, he puts trust in his players and gives help and encouragement when needed.  The kids and I are starting to feel the loss of Daddy time at night, and it's not going to end for a few months, but we'll go to games, support Daddy, and enjoy the time we do get with him.

Few pictures from a couple of the games.
- Brett has clocked a couple of the games so David and Becca have joined us. Kendal and David cover every inch of the stands, Becca and Pete usually stay by me (as long as the snacks hold out). Pete likes to yell "Da!" over and over when he spots Casey.

On another note I've taken on a part time babysitting job. Casey's cousin lives here in Kimberly and his wife works every other day at the middle school where Casey works. They asked if I would be willing to watch their two year old son Kasyn and 6 yr old daughter Elexia. Both are pretty well behaved kids. Kasyn has a bit more warming up to do with us, but had fun playing peek a boo with Peter. Elexia comes after Kindergarten gets over. Kendal had a blast following her around and playing pretend. I'm glad to help out, and it's started out well. It adds a bit more Crazy to my days but it's all good.

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