Monday, August 12, 2013

D family Reunion

We spent our weekend at the Raft River water slides for the Darrington family reunion. Some of Casey's aunts, uncles, cousins and their families came. We  played, spent time on the swings, ate, caught up with each other, went down the water slide and had loads of fun. Many people were busy, lived too far, or didn't feel like coming so our group was small compared to the last few years. The kids enjoyed the swings, sandbox, water slide, sneaking treats, and mostly getting dirty. We weren't in the mood to camp so we slept over at Casey's parents. The house was jam packed with us all, but I love it when it is. So much fun! It's nice to get together with extended family, catch up and enjoy one another. The pictures are pretty much of just us,  Casey's siblings and their kids.

 Water Slide fun!

Family time!


 Minute-to-win-it games (my team won! Way to go Sarah, Terry, Diana, Jill, Brady, and Bella)

Now that we're back home we have a nice to do list to accomplish before Casey is back to work, and of course some good family time to enjoy.
Pictures from the park a couple of weeks ago; and the new favorite play area in the house (the kitchen cupboard with all of the pots and pans)

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