Monday, June 24, 2013

Darrington Camp out / Peter's 1!

Last Thursday we packed up and drove down to Pocatello to see my parents and sister for dinner, and spend the night at Nicole and Jordan's. We got to hang out for a bit, and my parents treated us to dinner. Kendal is still scared of Chester (Nicole and Jordan's dog) but she was willing to touch him and be outside with him towards the end of our visit.
Friday was Peter's birthday! We headed to soda springs after lunch and set up camp. Family rolled in throughout the rest of the afternoon and by dinner we had the whole Darrington clan together. I love the fact that the grandchildren are all so close in age. (8 kids age 3 and under : ) It makes things so fun, and entertaining at times. We had tacos for dinner and banana cupcakes with glow sticks / balloons on them for dessert. Pete enjoyed and ate every last crumb of his cupcake. We then opened presents and spent some family time around the fire.

Saturday we ate breakfast, played around a bit, and went for a walk. We then ventured to Lava to go swimming. There was a new kiddie area (not yet complete) that the we spent most of our time in. Once used to the water all of the kids enjoyed themselves. There were little fountains at one side of the kiddie pool that all of the kids had fun with. Aside from the price we paid to swim it was a great time. We ate a picnic lunch and headed back to our campsite in Soda. The kids played some more, the adults played horseshoes / games, and we all took rides on Grandpa Webb's gator. We had delicious dutch oven food for dinner and spent some more quality time with the family.
On Sunday we took our time packing up in the morning while the kids played some more. The kids got super dirty, ate lots of treats, and probably found every stick possible over the weekend; but that is what made camping so fun : ). It was wonderful to spend time together. We were all sad to leave each other, but grateful to head home to our own beds and comforts of home.

- I will post more pictures of everyone on facebook : D

Peter at age One:
- Has two bottom teeth, and his two top are making there way out (this kid is not a great teether)
- He is walking, not 100% of the time, but he's making more and more progress everyday
- This past weekend he's learned to stand on his own
- As always he is still a great eater, but he's starting to favor some foods over others
- He loves to babble, blow raspberries, smack his lips, and make funny noises
- He likes stacking cup toys and likes to investigate toys and other objects
- When his teeth aren't bothering him he's a decent sleeper
- Peter is generally an easy child. Unless he's super hungry or tired he's easy going.
- He likes to explore and is finding more things to get into and take apart daily.
- He is a climber. We've had to keep our eye on him because he will climb boxes and books to get higher.

Over the next five weeks we have to find a new place to live, have two weeks of family vacation (Raft River, then Logan), then move!

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