Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Casey dear!

"Lucky to be in love with my best friend" - those are some lyrics to one of our favorite songs.
I am truly lucky to be married to my best friend. Casey turns 29 today. He claims that he feels like 29 is old, but I still consider him young. I count my blessings everyday that I have Casey in my life. He is a wonderful man, husband, father, teacher, coach, etc. etc.
Since Casey is at school all day then off to an away game tonight we had his birthday dinner and cake last night. Kendal was confused this morning when i said it was Daddy's birthday since we already celebrated (but she doesn't mind knowing there is still cake).

(I love that he is such a hands on Dad. Kendal and Peter adore their Dad, and we all miss him when he's gone. Casey's favorite time of year is Christmas. He loves the music and holiday spirit that surrounds the season. I love this picture of Casey reading a Christmas book to the kids. I hope our kids will grow up to be smart like their Daddy : D)

Happy Happy Birthday Casey dear, may all of your wishes come true this year!

1 comment:

Janalee said...

Don't think 29 is old...My hubs is 30! But forever young at heart.:) Happy birthday to your hubs, and have a good Christmas!