Thursday, December 20, 2012

6 months!

Peter is 6 months old! Pete is generally a good baby. He has a sweet smile, and a cute laugh.
Pete now rolls from his tummy to his back, and his back to tummy. He also swivels around on his tummy to get to things. He doesn't scoot much yet, but I'm guessing scooting and even crawling will happen soon.
Pete is really into food. Pete is so much better at eating than Kendal ever has been. So far he has liked every food we've given him. He makes faces with prunes (but who wouldn't) and he doesn't love cereal by itself. Pete lets us know he wants more by grunting, banging his tray, and looking at us then the food with a what are you waiting for kind of look.
Kendal has a knack for getting Pete giggling. He is fascinated with what Kendal does and when she gets silly (which she does a lot) he laughs at / with her. Pete likes to watch what's going on, just looking at his face you know he's taking in everything around him.
Pete has quite a bite on him. (No teeth yet thankfully) He loves to chew on toys, his hands (and ours), hair, etc. Along with a good bite, this little man is a big drooler. Kendal never really drooled, but Pete can soak a shirt in no time at all; especially when he is chewing on something.
When his sister doesn't interrupt him Pete is a pretty good napper. He sleeps for most of the night, has an early morning feeding, then goes down for a few more hours of sleep (that is until Kendal decides to get up).
Pete's six month appointment is over our holiday break so I'll post his stats when we return.

We are very blessed to have this little guy around!

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