Monday, March 26, 2012

What's up

Guess i haven't updated in a couple of weeks. Here's what we've been up to lately.
- Kendal as always is still a fun loving little girl. She is becoming quite independent, if she can do something or thinks she can do things herself, she insists on doing it. She has gained a love of music latley. Kendal loves to have Casey and i sing to her, and now she's starting to sing the songs on her own. Her favorites are the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Bushel and a Peck (song i love - it's on the blog music), and any nursery rhyme song that's on her little music player. It's cute to hear her adaptations of songs, for example the itsy bitsy spider always gets washed away in the end, and "wonder what you is", instead "how i wonder what you are" for Twinkle little star. We tried capturing a video to post, unfortunately my daughters bad habit of picking her nose is going on the whole time. So we'll try another day. Kendal is still in love with the thought of having a baby brother coming soon. She is starting to ask "him coming out yet?" I tell her he still has to grow for a while, she says "Oh, he's glowing." She will be a very hands on sister she likes to hold my belly and tell me she's holding the baby; and she's always hugging him, talking to him, and listening to him "snore". I have no doubt she'll be good with him, i'm thinking our biggest problem will be her not getting to hold and have him whenever she wants. Kendal's uncle David is getting married soon to a wonderful girl Anica. Kendal loves Anica (probably more than David most days). She loves to talk about how David and Anica are going to get married in the temple. She loves temples lately she's always asking Casey and i in the car where the temple is, or telling us we were married in the temple. We were mean and taught her to tease David with the phrase "Anica needs a ring" before they were engaged, she got quite good at it and i know David just had to roll his eyes at Kendal's obnoxious parents. Kendal now says "Anica has a ring" and we're trying to teach her to hum the wedding song dom dom da dom. I'm excited that the weather is warming up because i'm more willing to take Kendal outside to play. Hopefully we'll teach her how to ride a trike this spring and get a lot of swimming in during the warmer months.
- Casey is once again on the job hunt. Not much has come up yet for social studies teachers. Casey went to a USU teachers fair last week and came back a bit discouraged because he got a lot of feedback on how many districts aren't hiring for social studies or how he should have picked a different emphasis. Casey has a couple of leads on jobs and hopefully more will come his way. As always Casey is doing all he can, and we are putting our lives in the lords hands. Casey is busy busy lately subbing or working for my Dad. Thankfully my Dad has some consistent work this spring and when Casey doesn't have a sub job he's helping my Dad. My wonderful mom has had to watch Kendal a lot lately (I'm super grateful for her willingness and ability to do so!)
- I'm still making my way through the school year for After School Club. I have six weeks left of this school year, then i will take my first summer off in five years. After School Club has been a great job for me, i enjoy working with the kids, and feel blessed to be able to help provide for my family. I get to spend my mornings with Dizzy bonkers Kendal. We do a lot together, her favorite is play dough, painting, or having me read to her. I love being her mom, she makes Casey and i laugh everyday and is so loving. I'm just over six and a half months pregnant now. My due date is approaching and i'm getting excited for this little guy to come. This pregnancy has had quite a few differences than my first (of course every pregnancy does). I was sick in the first trimester (never was with Kendal), i'm gaining a lot less weight 8 pounds so far (i packed on nearly forty pounds with Kendal), this little guy kicks and moves more than Kendal (she was a lazy relaxed little thing, i don't feel he'll be that way), and i have had way more food cravings (i liked sweets with Kendal, this pregnancy has thrown a lot of different cravings around).
It should be a whirlwind the next few months - searching and hopefully obtaining a job, moving if the job isn't near, getting to see my brother get married, adding a little boy to the family, and enjoying family time and upcoming holidays.


MaryAnne and Rusty said...

Yay! I had no idea you were expecting again...let alone a little boy. Congrats to you guys! And good luck with the job hunt. Those are no fun but as I learned with our loooong job hunt, be patient (Way easier said than done) and everything will work out the way it is supposed to!!! Again Congratulations on this fun time if your lives!

Janalee said...

That last picture is so adorable!
glad things are going well for you guys, I hope Casey can get a job soon!! Yay, for all the happenings in your families life! So fun.