Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dizzy Bonkers

Recently Kendal has been given the nickname Dizzy Bonkers by Casey. Kendal loves to spin around in circles, dance around, and do ring around the rosies until she is dizzy. She loves to spin and spin until she falls laughing. One day she decided to do her spinning routine with a blanket on her head, making it so she would go around until she bonked into something, then she would laugh and laugh. Now she has been given the nickname Dizzy Bonkers. Dubbing her Dizzy Bonkers is nothing new, Kendal has had many nicknames given to her such as; Sweet Pea, and Little Lady, etc. She has never really let those names stick, she knows that she is Kendal and likes just to be called Kendal. Somehow the nickname Dizzy Bonkers has stuck with Kendal. I can call out Dizzy Bonkers and she'll respond when i know she won't when i call out Sweet Pea. Sometimes we ask her her name and she tells us it's Dizzy Bonkers or Kendal Dizzy Bonkers. She always keeps us smiling with the funny things she says and does.
Recent pics:
-Fun in the snow, Casey taught her to make snow angels
Kendal got into Casey's Valentines treats
She loves to be creative; a lot of her artwork ends up on the table or her
Love you Dizzy Bonkers!

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