Monday, February 13, 2012

"Oh i luv him!"

We found out today that we get to welcome a little boy into our family. Kendal's little brother is due to arrive late in June. She's very much in love with the thought of a baby. Ever since our two nephews and niece were born this past September Kendal has been loving babies. Anytime she see's a baby or a picture she gets a little voice and talks about the baby or to the baby. When we shared with her that i was going to have a baby she was very happy. She gives me daily belly hugs and kisses; and tells me she loves him / it. She's even put her ear up to my belly to hear it. She looks up at me and tells me that he's snoring in there. She also finds it fascinating that he gets to be naked. When she's on the potty, she'll go off on how she's naked and the baby is naked too. I know she is just going to sMOTHER him with loads of love when he comes.
We were lucky this time around. With Kendal we went through two years of infertility to be able to have her; my doctor recommended i just start on the medication the next time i wanted a baby. Casey and i knew we didn't want the added medical expenses again so we opted to try our luck for a bit this time. After what seemed to me a while, but not really if i compare it to Kendal we were blessed with another pregnancy. We held in the secret a lot longer this time than we did the first time. (It was harder too because i was never sick with Kendal, but i was sick with this one during my first trimester) We told our family at Christmas time and have been waiting to share with the rest of the world till we found out what it was.
We had the ultrasound this morning and the tech was having a hard time with this little guy. We just wanted to hide, and keep his legs crossed for us. We took Kendal thinking she'd love it; she loved it for five minutes and was good for maybe ten more after that, then she was DONE so Casey had to take her out after we found out it was a boy.
Here is the best we could get of the little dude's face. He was hiding very well.
Baby D!

Casey, Kendal and i are overjoyed to be adding this little man to the family.


Chelsea said...

Congrats on the little boy! How exciting!

Janalee said...

I wondered why you held it a secret for so long. We did that with Brynlee and it was kinda fun to hold it in, but it also SUUUUUCCCKEEED pretending to feel fine when I was really ready to barf every 5 seconds. So I know how you felt. :)

Congrats on having a boy, it is so fun to have one of each, if we decide to ever have another one, I don't know if it really will matter now that we have had one of each. You might find yourself feeling the same way.:)

Kendal will just love being a big sister! It is such a joy to have two!
SO excited for you!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I hope you are feeling better! So sweet that Kendal luvs him already :)

Kim & Campbell said...

YAYhoo, we are so very thrilled for your family!!!Congrats!!!