Saturday, January 14, 2012


I haven't written too much about Kendal lately, and i should be kicking myself because she's so much fun and i don't want miss recording some of the things she does. Kendal is a hopping 26 month old; literally - Kendal doesn't seem to walk much, she would prefer to run, hop, jump, and waddle her way anywhere. Kendal is always on the go whether it is getting out all of her toys and only really playing with a couple of them; or wanting to do something so bad (like play dough or color) she won't let it go until she is doing so. Casey and i wish there was a bit more snow. We've only really had a few storms and Kendal loves to go out, eat, and trollop through the snow. We still read a lot to Kendal. She loves to get a pile of books and sit on my lap to read them, then she jumps off and gets another batch of books.
Kendal still loves to talk, and now she's adding humor and imagination to her thoughts. It can make for some funny things. Kendal has a lot to say. Lately she talks a lot in third person. "Kendal is crying" "Kendal loves daddy" etc. She talks a lot in the car, mostly nonsense, occasionally she sees something out the window like a cow and goes off on a tangent about it. In the car the other day she's singing twinkle twinkle little star to herself then she stops and says "Hear dat?" "I hear a monkey" . . . " ooo ooo ooo" then she started to giggle. Kendal can sing her alphabet and point out most of the letters to us. Kendal is always saying "ohh love . . . " pretty much everything goes into that . . . it can be her ducky, mommy, daddy, a goldfish cracker, a puzzle piece, etc. You name it she loves it. Sometimes i feel so special when she says "mommy luv you" then i see her loving something like a cracker two minutes later and i come back to reality. Kendal thinks any baby that cries anywhere is because it has bonked it's head. In the store, at church, etc. She hears a crying baby and says how sad it is and how it bonked its head. (We think this stemmed from one incident over Christmas break where her cousin Bryker hit his head and cried a bit) We've been working with Kendal on her colors, but she still gets mixed up. She can't name the color of most objects; however if you ask her to find a blue or red crayon out of a pile she can do it most of the time.
We are in love with our silly crazy girl. She teaches us so much and is a treasure.

Lately -
I've been back to work since Christmas break ended. This school year has been a good one; (still not so much teacher support, and always some challenging kids) but i've learned to work around / with the teachers, and i try to do my best in working with any kid happy or mad that comes my way. My job definitely helps me appreciate my own daughter way more, and makes me want to do better by her as a parent.
Casey is subbing around Cache Valley and helping my dad every now and then on jobs. He is continuing to throw himself out there and working hard to find a job. We are hopeful something will come along, and know whenever, and wherever that might be it is in Heavenly Father's hands.
I am looking forward to many wonderful things this year and am grateful for all that last year brought to us.

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