Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where do i start

It's only been a few weeks since i posted last, but they've been a very full two weeks. I thought about doing a bunch of posts covering everything, but decided to go with one super long post.
* (events from the past few weeks)

* Casey unfortunately didn't get a teaching job. He is still working for my dad doing construction for now, and he will be subbing in schools once he completes some training. It's quite a bummer to go through all of college to not get a job when you finish, but we're hopeful something will come along this year if not we'll try a lot harder next year.
* Moving on:
Since we are no longer students!!! - we knew we had to move; thankfully Vanessa's grandpa's home was available and her family is letting us rent it for a bit. The downside to being here is we had (and still have) a lot of things to do to it before i will call myself settled here. So far we've replaced every outlet (major hazards), and light switches upstairs, painted a few rooms (it's amazing how much paint can make a place seem more livable), fixed doors and their parts, cleaned a lot, and there is still more on our to to list, but it's coming along. I've had to remind myself to count my blessings with this home. The basement may give me the creeps, but we're not under contract (meaning if Casey gets a job we can up and move with little hassle) and the rent is low.
p.s. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all who helped us pack, move, repair, and fix things for us during this move out of Aggie Village and into the house.
*Family reunion:
Casey's extended Webb family had a reunion the weekend of the twenty seventh. We moved into our place on Thursday of that week and went up to the family reunion on friday for the weekend. It was a low key reunion. The Webb family lives close together and spend time together often, but now that the kids are getting older and spreading farther out it was time to bring the extended family together. Casey had fun playing volleyball, golf, and catching up with his cousins. Kendal loved playing in the water and roaming around getting the other kids wet with the hose.
*Back to work for Marianne:
As we were getting closer to school starting and no job had come along for Casey i decided to try and get my job back working for the after school club. Fortunately the very week i contacted my boss was the week she was hiring for the school year. I was able to get my job back at Hillcrest as the site Manager for the program. I've always appreciated this job and love working with these kids. I work with a diverse, sometimes difficult group of kids which can be hard (and lets face it i do have my complaints), but i truly love my job and the kids (most days)! I had training for my job for a week. Now this was hard because this was my fifth year doing training and i've heard it all, but i got paid for it so i can't be to sore about it. I started back on September 6th. It was a crazy first week, but things will calm down and get into routine soon.
* Surprise it's Twins!
We got a call the a week and a half ago that Nicole's (Casey's sister) water had broke and they were doing all that they could to stop things from progressing. Unfortunately the twin boys she was carrying didn't want to wait (they came over two months early) and a few crazy days later we welcomed Hunter and Jaxson into the family. Things were a bit scary at times, but these two boys have been a miracle. They are doing so well right now; off oxygen and iv's. They just have to keep on growing and getting strong so they can go home in a month or so!
* Happy Birthday Dad!
I missed a post for my dad's birthday. (No Internet) We celebrated his birthday on labor day by going up the canyon for a hot dog roast. Kendal got really dirty and loved every minute of it. I just can't say enough of how grateful i am for my dad. He is loving, generous, and just plain wonderful. He is in love with Kendal (and she loves him loads too) and spoils her like no other! Happy Birthday Dad, may this year be fantastic for you!
* Surprise number two (or is that three)
We get a text early this past Wednesday morning with a picture of Vanessa, Brett, David, little Rebecca. I guess she decided her twin cousins couldn't have all the fun so she came four weeks early. Vanessa's labor progressed so quickly that no one really had notice of Rebecca's arrival. She is doing well, and is now at home with her family. David is a sweet brother giving her kisses and love.
* Nicole's baby shower
When we found out Nicole had had her twins i didn't know if we were going to still do her baby shower scheduled for this past weekend. Nicole felt well enough and Casey's mom said why not so we trekked up this weekend and got to see all of the babies and help throw a baby shower for Nicole. I am in love with all of these little ones. They are all tiny and so adorable! (Hunter and Jaxson just under 3 pounds each, and Rebecca is near 5 1/2 pounds) I wanted to hold and love them forever. I cannot forget Bryker he's been learning to crawl and i got to see some of his new skills this weekend. I am one very proud Aunt right now!
* Gone a lot
We have been up to Idaho four out of the five past weekends for family events. Kendal has done very well in the Raft River ward's nursery : ) We attempted to go to our new ward last weekend, but had the times wrong. So, i guess well try again next week.
* Kendal is our little sweet pea / diva as she is rolling into her 22 month of life. She has a love of all things right now. She is still quite the talker and seems to pick up words everyday. She is in love with animals especially frogs, ducks, and giraffes right now. She even made friends with a worm the other day. Sometimes Casey and i here her talking to her animals in her crib near nap time and bed time. She is getting more active and mischievous. She discovers new things daily and is always keeping me on my toes. Some may think she is energetic, and loud. She can be but that's mostly around a group of people that she knows she can command their attention. I'm not saying she's a mild doll at home, but she definitely has a different level of active when she's around her extended family and friends.

I guess i'll have to put in a slide show on this post too. There's just too much to add and this post is already very long. I wish i could've had the patience to put on more pictures, however it took an hour just to get these so enjoy!

1 comment:

Janalee said...

that is a crazy hectic few weeks for you guys! I hope Casey gets a job soon, and that you guys enjoy the house! sounds like things are going good!