Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One step at a time

For the past week Kendal has been taking steps and standing on her own quite a bit. I've eagerly awaited when Kendal started to walk. (Most people tell me to treasure the time when they can't get into things, but Kendal already does get into everything) Casey and i tried to take a video, however you'd wonder what it's about; so when she's walking a bit more for us i'll make sure a video gets posted.
Kendal is picking up a lot of words lately. She says tank u (thank you), eas (please), wa da (what's that). It's so funny and cute all at the same time. I love hearing her take on things. I've been trying to teach Kendal to blow kisses goodbye but she seems to have mixed it up with the sign language version of Thank you. So when i tell her to say good by she puts her hand to her mouth, puts it out then says tank u when we're saying our goodbyes.
Loving this little girl, and excited to see her taking her walking, even if it's one step at a time.


Jordan and Nicole said...

Yay for Kendall. She is just growing right up. I cant wait to see her walking next time I see her!

Janalee said...

Yay! it just happens so fast. Before you know it she will be walking and talking and you will wonder what happened to your little baby. It really does just fly by!what a cutie!