Sunday, June 2, 2024

Last week of school . . .

Pete got to go fishing with the 6th graders on the 20th. Fishing wasn't a big success, but the kids had a good time. Pete even got to help start a fire that would've cooked the fish (if they caught any, which they didn't). Wednesday I was in charge of the AR Field trip for the middle school. Both Kendal and Peter earned the whole year reward and got to go with their fellow whole yr AR friends / students. We got to go to the movies. Kendal joined her friends to watch IF, and I ended up in the pg-13 theater watching Godzilla vs. Kong with Pete, and the students that chose that movie. Afterwards we had a pizza party in the Library. (The students all loved the movies, 96 kids vying for pizza all at the same time was not so great.) Casey was over the 7th grade field day on that same day and did a corn hole tournament and games with his students. Thursday was the awards assembly. Kendal got a leadership award, recognition for being on the executive council this year, a Gold medal for getting all A's her whole middle school career, and a top AR reading reward. She presented in each assembly and  even gave out my AR awards for 7th and 6th graders when I had to head over to Stricker. Pete got very good grades this year. All A's and a few B's. He also got perfect attendance and should have gotten fastest mile, but was cheated out of it by a dishonest student. The last day of school was Friday the 24th. Alice got to have a field day at Stricker, and Peter, Kendal, and Casey went to Nat-So-Pa for a swim day with the middle school. I stayed back at the middle school trying to play catch up with my long list of to do's. Alice got to go to a birthday party after school on Friday. She got to go swimming for Reagan's birthday! 





Saturday the 25th we headed up to Boise for the State Middle School track meet. Pete qualified to do the triple jump. He had a good jump his first go, scratched the middle two and had a decent jump his final time. He ended up in 4th place out of 4, but it earned him a medal and we're so proud of him for getting to state in the first place. Kendal made it to state in the triple jump and 4 x 400 relay. Out of twenty something girls she made it in the middle of the pack for long jump. Her 4 x 400 didn't go as hoped (her shin splints got the best of her, but the girls were proud of their efforts. Alice was good most of the day with the bag of crafts I brought, but she was very done when it hit dinner time and we were still waiting for Kendal's run. Grandma and Grandpa D came to cheer on the kids as well. David and Becca had some events, Becca metaled in all of her personal events, and David did a good job in his. 


Sunday Casey and I went to put flowers on Kate's baby's grave and then we hunted down family graves in the two twin falls cemeteries. Memorial Day was spent cleaning house and running errands for the week. Nothing special, but we did have a fun movie night with the kids. 

Tuesday Casey and I had our last day of work. I still had more to do so Casey came and helped me on Wednesday, and I left him home to take the kids on an outing to the Twin Falls Zoo on Thursday while I finished up in the library. I was over 3 inventories the last few weeks. One at Stricker, and Two (books, and then computers) at the middle school. My plate was full, my thoughts and world was chaos these past few weeks, but it's done for now and I can focus on studying for my ABCTE test and going forward with summer happenings. 

Casey took the kids to the Zoo on Thursday morning. The zoo has birds, snakes, fish, turtles, and other simple creatures. The kids told me Casey got the birds to dance with him. Alice would only pet the turtles, but the others got to pet a variety of animals. 

Alice had two Track meets this week. Her first meet was on Wednesday. She chose to do the Long Jump, and Hurdles. She also requested the shortest runs and chose to do the 100, and 200 meter runs. She had a second meet on Friday to make up for a canceled meet from the previous week (due to weather). She improved her time in the hurdles, and 100, as well as jumping almost 2 extra feet than her first meet in the long jump. She chose to do the shot put instead of the 200. We'll see what she chooses in her last meet this week. 

Casey was over Stake Standards night this past Wednesday. They've been planning for months and put together quite the event for all of youth of our Stake. He also was off to Idaho falls for Friday and Saturday for a basketball tournament. Kendal didn't get to join this time since they only took the varsity girls. 

We did a corn hole tournament after church today. Alice ended up trumping us all (helps she had a closer proximity advantage, but she truly beat us all!)

We let the kids have a lot of late nights this past week with movies, and let them sleep in as much as they wanted since the rest of the summer Kendal and Pete wont be so lucky with Cross x runs multiple times a week in the early morning. Kendal and Casey are off to DC this week, Pete starts swim team, and Alice will finish track. 

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