Sunday, May 5, 2024

How the wind blows

 Kendal and Pete have had Track meet's the last couple of Tuesday's. They had a home meet on the 23rd that I was able to go to! Kendal PR'd in every event, and Peter PR'd in most of his events. It was a pleasant afternoon and the kids did a great job! Their meet this last week was out in Buhl. It was a windy day, but the temps weren't too bad. I went out after work to catch what I could before I had to whisk Kendal off to a piano recital. I missed their jumps, got to see their mile, and had to whisk Kendal away before she could do her 800 or 4x4. I missed Pete doing the 800 and 4x4. Neither PR'd that day, but worked hard and helped their team's win for the day!

Kendal had her piano recital the evening of the 23rd. She's worked hard on her piece (Reflection from Mulan). She was tired, and nervous so that came out a bit in her performance, but she did well. 

Alice has had a soccer game the last two weekends. It was a miserable day on the 27th. Super windy and cold. Alice didn't play a lot and I didn't get any pictures because I was bundled up in my seat. Yesterday Alice got more play time and did a great job playing forward. She got scared of the ball when it almost hit her and was a bit hesitant finishing the game. Luckily it was a sunny day - even though the wind was constant. 

We spent the afternoon of the 27th working on the front yard, adding some plants to the front of the house, and yesterday we added more mulch and turned on the sprinklers. Unfortunately the pressure blew the system apart and flooded the front area causing a lot of ground to sink and even some back up into the house in the mech room. We came home from church and happened upon the crazy mess when we got home. It's turned into a hectic clean up and a lot of stress added to our day / week. Such is life. . . We got the basement cleaned up (except under the kids' tub), and have the front dealt with for the moment. We'll figure out the sprinkler system and fix the yard hopefully later this week when Casey is done with Track. 

Side note, we forced Alice to loose her tooth today. Bout time. . . 

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