Monday, January 15, 2024

Alice is 7!


This amazing young lady is 7 today! Alice is at such a fun age. She's creative, silly, and growing up way to fast. Alice may get her way the most, but she also gets a backseat to big brother and sisters busy happenings which isn't always fun, but it's made her such a creative and little lady.  Alice has a big personality, she lives her life full of love and light! Alice is such a smart girl. She just tested at a 4th grade reading level and she's doing second grade math and advanced spelling in school. She is very into chapter books: especially princess in black and owl  / unicorn diaries. Alice is still on the picky end when it comes to eating, but she's slowly progressing. Alice spends her days making things, playing barbies, reading, and loving life. She's a true ray of light in our lives!

Alice got to have the day off of school for her birthday for MLK day. I still had to work and Casey and Pete went skiing. Alice decided to get up early so she could open gifts before I left with Pete to the school (Casey had early morning practice). She was very excited for her lego set and spent the morning happily ruling the house and directing what she and Kendal got to do. The girls built her lego set, watched Bluey, and baked her cake. I quit around lunchtime and took the girls into chick fill a for lunch. Kendal wanted to buy Alice a present so we went over to Target and she picked a little mermaid barbie. After picking up some groceries we went home. The girls finished the lego set and Alice helped me decorate her cake. She was so happy how it turned out (I've decided cakes made by the kids are 10x better than trying to make beautifully crafted cakes.) The boys came home and we enjoyed dinner, chatting with family, and cake and ice cream before bed.

Alice's top 7 things at age 7:

Unicorns, Barbies, Pink,  her family, arts and crafts, Bluey, and princesses. 

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