Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November - basketball

Kendal had a game against Robert Stuart at home on the 8th. It was the hardest fought game of the season so far, with a lot of force coming at them, but the girls pulled out a win with a hard working performance. Kendal was supposed to play at Robert Stuart this past week, however the other team didn't have enough players. So Kendal had to travel over to Robert Stuart and was stuck there for over two hours waiting and watching the 7th grade girls play without getting to play that night. 

Alice finished up her basketball season this past weekend. She had a game on the 11th against the green team. The other team was rough, and kept grabbing the ball. Alice's team held on and ended up barley getting a win! Her last game was this past Saturday on the 18th. They played a nice clean game (can't say the last three teams they've played have been nice), and came out victorious! Her team came out of the season undefeated!! Alice had her good moments throughout the season, and grew in her skills. When she was into it, she did a great job on defense and offence, but when her heart wasn't in it you could tell. Cheers to a fun first season!

Kendal gave a talk in Church on the 12th. She spoke about being a disciple of Christ, and did a wonderful job. She was stressed about her talk being too short, so during the sacrament she looked up more to add to her talk. (She goes above and beyond for so many things.) She blows us away! 

Casey's in the depths of his basketball season. Given his somewhat hodgepodge team they're doing good. So far they've played four games and won three of them! Kendal and I got to go to his game last Monday. It's always a treat to watch Casey in his element! He's a great coach and so wonderful with his team! 

I joined Kendal bowling this past Thursday for her YW's activity. She had just come from her no game basketball games, and wasn't in a competitive mood. She did her best though. Somehow I ended up wining the night with a 140!?! 

Pete and Alice have been wanting to put up Christmas for a couple of weeks now. We relented and let them pull out everything and set up Christmas after Church on Sunday. We put on Christmas music and had a great evening setting everything up around the house. 

Kendal had a busy birthday with an early morning basketball practice. She actually ended up opening her presents the night before because she had early morning practice, and Casey was off to games all night. She got a new chair for her room, silk jammies and pillow cases, a new ring, and a few other smaller things. Her friends spoiled her with balloons, a few gifts, and a lot of sweet birthday wishes all day long. We had a quick pizza dinner before I had to take dinner over to Casey and drop Alice off at basketball practice. I made Kendal Oreo cupcakes with mint chocolate chip ice cream and she was happy about her favorite treats I put out for her that morning. 

Yesterday Kendal had her main group of friends over for a birthday party. They played around and then we did a minute to win it competition. Afterwards they ended up doing each other's hair with the hair kit she got from Hope, then continued to play games till time was up. Kendal's got a sweet group of friends and were lucky they're in her life! 

Pete is in between sports so he's not got much to report on. He is doing well in school and when he can finds his buddies to hang out and play with. He recently had a Lego unit in his STEM class and was so excited to play with Lego's in school! Pete had his Temple and Priesthood preview on Sunday. I bought him a suit a little over a week ago and I've got to say, he's so very handsome in it. It hit me Sunday night that my little boy is quickly growing up and I don't think I'm quite ready. He's turning into such a wonderful young man (still has his crazy / silly moments), can't wait to see what these coming years bring for him! 

A couple of extra picks. Kendal's SOS group made this tree in school and my MS Library bulletin board. 

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