Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tracking our June

 While Casey was gone to a basketball tournament in Pocatello the kids and I helped clean the church on the 3rd. Afterwards we went over to the Western days celebration in the park. We walked around a bit and I got the kids some ice cream. We made our way to Home Depot so I could get paint samples for the front door and the kids could do the craft. 

We've been waiting for better weather to paint the front door. We were undecided between blue and gray. None of the blues we tried out seemed right so we went with a rich gray. I did the door on the 5th while Casey was out of town for a school conference.  My roller was having issues so my paint job was harder than needs be, but it's done and looks good! The kids had track practice that afternoon. Alice played rock families with James during Pete's part.

Kendal and Peter did a Basketball camp through the high school from the 5th  to the 7th. They had fun and both got recognition for good sportsmanship! 

A group of my friends surprised planned a lunch on my birthday. We went to south town Market and I got to catch up with my 6th ward buddies that I miss dearly. Casey came home from Boise that afternoon, but had to go to Basketball practice. So the kids and I had an easy dinner with ice cream after. 

The 7th was Alice and Pete's last day of track. Alice got first place in hurdles. She took 3rd in her 50 meter dash, and 4th in long jump! Peter took 1st in both his hurdles and the 400 meter run! He was middle of the pack for shot put and just above middle for long jump. Both kids put in good work this season and were proud of their efforts and glad they had fun!

We've had Kendal and Peter running and doing a bit with weights this summer. Keeps them active and hopefully builds them up leading into cross country season.

Nicole, Jordan, and their crew came up on the 9th for the weekend to help us put in our sprinkler system. Jordan and his dad mapped everything out and gathered all of the supplies for us. We got to work early Saturday and put in a long 14 + hour day to get the pipes, sprinklers, and system in. We dug around 35 homes in the yard and worked all day to get a much as we could done. Brett came and helped us out all day and we even had Kenny around for a few hours. The kids watched a lot of tv and played the day away! We ended up finishing Sunday morning. I gave a talk in church and by the time we got home Nicole and Jordan had filled in our last hole. We've still got a bit of tweaking, but it is an amazing step towards our yard going in!

We left for Logan Monday morning to see family, and so Casey could help David with his foundation. We got in a visit with Nana Monday after lunch and played at the park with Billie and her kids after. We all got together for pizza that night at my parents. Tuesday Pete went out to play with the boys in Smithfield so the girls and I went with Billie and her kids to pick up crafts at hobby lobby and get our craft on in my patents backyard. Alice and Maggie were two cute peas in a pod all afternoon. Wednesday we went out to the Fat Boy factory for some treats after lunch. Anica and the boys joined us there. We got rained our before to long and the rain continued so we couldn't do a hot dog roast we had planned. We ended up getting chick fill a for dinner and then headed over to Elliots baseball game. Thursday Casey worked in the morning and then we had to head home. Kendal had her only June piano lesson that afternoon. 

Casey had a basketball tournament in mountain home Friday and Saturday. We had Jemma over for most of the day Friday to play while her brothers were at a baseball tournament.  She and Alice were in heaven playing together. Kendal also had her orthodontist appointment and got good news that she should be done with braces before the year is up!

We got a full bedframe from Nana's when she moved and finally got a mattress for it for an early b day present for Pete. He's loving the extra space and the new cozy mattress!

Saturday I took the kids to Raft River for the Brown family reunion. The kids eagerly ran off to get in the slides while I helped set up lunch. The day wasn't very warm but that didn't deter the kids at all. Brett and Vanessa came along and the kids got to slide with them for a couple of hours. We made it back home a bit before Casey. I got to ditch everyone that night for a girls night out at dinner and bowling. 

We had a nice Father's day. We showered Casey with some gifts and the kids got to put on a scavenger hunt for his present from my parents. We went to church and had an easygoing day together. Casey is such a fantastic Dad. He does so much for so many. Our kids adore him and love him so very much! We are blessed with the best!

Casey and Kendal went off to girls camp early this morning and are gone till Friday. Casey got roped in as priesthood representation and kendal is happy to have him this week! I took Alice and Pete to the pool today. We didn't last long because it was only 62 today and the wind made things chilly. 

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