Sunday, May 7, 2023

End of April into May

Kendal had a track meet at Kimberly on the 25th. It was a sunny day and great for a meet. Kendal was just shy of a PR in her triple jump and she had a PR in the mile and a season record for her 800.  Kenny and Cheryl were able to come out and support Kendal and David at their meet. Alice had fun making a fort and playing around with James, Naomi, and Thomas. 

This past week Kendal's meet was at Buhl. She had a great jump for her triple, and did OK on her runs. No records made this meet, but she did well. Both Pete and Alice joined us and ran around with cousins and friends on the nearby playground. Afterwards I took the younger two to Subway on the way home, Casey and Kendal also ended up getting Subway after they got back to the school. 

Peter and Alice had soccer games on the 29th. Pete had a double header playing at both 10 and 11. He scored a goal in both games and did a great job helping his team win both games. Pete is doing great in soccer this year and really enjoys playing! Alice's team won 13 to 2 in her game that morning. Her team played at 10 so Casey and I had to split between the two kids. She scored three goals and was a great asset to her team!

Yesterday Pete had his game at 9. His team won 3 to 1 and Pete helped assist a goal! Alice's game was at 10 and while she had moments of getting into the game she was very much a space case and was easily distracted during her game. 

Kendal got to go to Stricker on the 28th to do a skit with her SOS team for the elementary kids. Alice got to hang out longer at Sadie's so I could go to Pete's maturation program with him (he was thrilled to have me ; ) ha ha, not!) Kendal had her piano recital that night in Twin. She did a wonderful job on her piece. It's been harder this year for piano to fit in along with her sports and other activities. She's keeps progressing and is so talented we hope she can continue to make her busy schedule work in the coming years. After the recital we went out to Pizza Pie Cafe to celebrate. 

On the 29th Casey headed out early to a couple of garage sales. He picked up a couple of dressers we spotted online, as well as a kitchen mixer, and a sports tent he can use at track meets. He took our freezer over to our friends who were having a garage sale and sold it, while Pete acquired a giant monkey and Nerf game. After soccer games Casey and I did a bunch of things around the house. I repainted trim pure white, Casey glued in drain pipes, painted some screws on the siding, cleaned out the garage more and hauled stuff to dumpsters, as well as moved around some dirt. Being in the sun for soccer games and then all afternoon we both ended up a bit crispy at the end of the day. 

Peter had activity days this past week. One of his leaders is a former Olympian so he got to learn more about the Olympics. The boys did a running course and played games. 

Yesterday afternoon we took the kids to the Kimberly Community Fair. It's put on by the PBIS team at the schools and involves a lot of businesses and fun. We got hot dogs and fries then went in to check out the booths inside. The kids collected the usual trinkets from businesses, and played a bit at some booths. Outside was the fun stuff and the kids got to do a a few games! 

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