Sunday, January 15, 2023

Alice is 6!

 Our little lady turned 6 today! Time is a thief and it's crazy how big she is! Alice has gotten to spread out her birthday fun a bit this year. First she opened a cute elephant, hair clips, coloring book and new fun crayons form Grandma and Grandpa Loosle earlier this week when Grandpa came to visit, and a doll dress, and book from Aunt Katherine. Alice has insisted on wearing her hair clips for most of the week and loves putting them on her doll and stuffed elephant! 

Alice got to take birthday treats to school and wear a birthday crown all day (literally all day and most of Friday) that she got from her teacher. She got to pick our family activity last night (Wii games) and tomorrow after school we're picking up her friend Ava for a birthday lunch and playdate!

Today for her Birthday Alice got to wake up to presents and pancakes this morning. Grandma and Grandpa Loosle tuned in and watched her open gifts. She got her much anticipated roller skates. A doll outfit, a couple of barbie outfits, sticker earrings, and unicorn chapstick from us. Grandma and Grandpa Darrington sent her a barbie car and coloring book she got to open as well. She scooted / attempted to stay up on her skates for a bit this morning before church, and had to dress her doll and barbies right away. She got her birthday buck in primary and was happy to tell anyone today (pretty much for the last week + ) that it's her birthday! 

After church we had some lunch. Casey took Alice and Pete over to the house to check on something and let them skate a bit in the basement. They weren't there long (it's a hard floor to fall on and she's still getting the hang of things). She came back and wanted to decorate her cake with me. We've known for a long time (pretty much all year); that this was her "Minnie Mouse" birthday. She's not huge into Minnie Mouse so her presents didn't reflect that but we made plans this week and drew some ideas for her Minnie Mouse cake. She wanted to help me with it so bad and I was happy to let her. The frosting ended up not working out, but she was happy anyways and covered it in all of the fun sprinkles she picked out and topped it with a printed Minnie Mouse image since our frosting situation didn't allow us to pipe a Minnie Mouse onto the cake. I'm so grateful she's easy to please. Alice chose clue and Disney code names as our Sunday Family games today. She chose cinnamon rolls, and chicken noodle soup for dinner. We ate cake and played battleship with Peter after dinner while Kendal and Casey were at a youth fireside. All in all a good birthday for Alice. 

Alice is our little light and joy! She has such a sweet heart and fun personality she wins over many. Alice is loving school this year. She's doing great and her favorite things are being with her class and her specials. She's loving music and the teacher compliments her on her voice and memorization of songs. She loves computer time and the games she gets to play there. She'd love to be in school all day, but I'm grateful for the extra time I get with her this year. I know she's often pulled into our house build along with me which makes for long days these past few months, but she's a trooper and I'm grateful she's just going with the flow most of the time (that and getting a lot of phone time for endless selfies, and bluey watching). 

Alice is still our picky eater, but were slowly trying new things, she doesn't like most of them, but we can get a mouthful most of the time. Alice is still our noodle head and would eat them any day of the week. Her favorite thing to play with is her barbies, but she's into anything play / pretend (dolls, kitchen, ponies, etc.) She loves to be creative and color, and make slime with Kendal when Mom and Dad are working. 

Alice cracks us up often and we adore her fun spirit and bright personality! She's a true joy and blessing in our lives!

Alice at age 6!

Favorite color: Pink!

Favorite activity: barbies

Favorite food: noodles

Favorite animal: unicorns

Favorite song: I am a child of God 

Favorite holiday: Christmas

Favorite thing about school: computers

Favorite book: Piggies and Elephant

When I grow up: A mom and teacher

Nicknames, "little lady" "short cake"

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