Sunday, September 18, 2022

September so far

Labor Day weekend we got to go and see family. Friday morning Casey and I canned peaches. That afternoon we headed out to Raft River. Cody and Mia made a surprise visit to see family. The kids had a great time playing together! After we put the kids to bed, Casey, Cody, Mia and I got to play a game! It was a very intricate game, but fun to play! Saturday morning we spent a bit more time in Raft River before heading down to Logan. Alice was cute when we got there and set up her bed and organized her stuffies in a little group on the bed. That night Peter and Alice made popcorn and PC's (pina coladas) with Grandpa while the rest of us went on a tour of a biblical tabernacle experience. I loved the visuals and the many ways the tabernacle and things they did back then are tied in with today's temple experiences. It was pretty neat to see. On Sunday we went to sacrament at my parent's ward and then had a visit with Nana. Monday was my dad's birthday! We met up with David and crew down at the shop to ride four wheeler's. After that we went to the park and shot off Casey's rockets with the kids. We were very happy that the rockets flew without any problems. Everyone enjoyed watching the rockets high in the air and then watching the kids catch them as they cam down. After lunch the kids played the afternoon away and we shot off bottle rockets in the yard. We had a yummy birthday dinner and cake and then headed back home. 

School is going well for everyone. We're in the groove of our school year routines and the kids are liking their classes so far. 

Kendal has had three cross country meets so far. She had her first meet at Valley on the 1st, Magic Mountain on the 8th, and she was in Filer this past week on the 14th. The Valley meet was around their school and had a little hill at the end they went up. Kendal placed 61st out of 124 girls with a time of 15:28.

Part of the Magic Mountain race was straight up the mountain so a good bunch of the kids walked it. Kendal started with a jog and ended up walking up the hill, but she ran the rest of the way. Her time was 18:23 that day and came in 35th.

This past week at Filer the kids ran a course around the fair grounds, so it was all flat. Kendal ran her race in 13:34. Kendal's first two races she was in the middle of the pack (almost exactly) this past week she was just ahead of the middle coming in 41st. She is improving and continues to put a lot of work into practice. We look forward to the rest of her season! 

We had our first homecoming week the 6th to the 9th. We had dress up days during the week. Tuesday was tacky tourist day. Wednesday was color day (Alice wore yellow, Peter - red, Kendal - purple, Casey - black, and I was multi colored) (I also forgot pictures that day.) Thursday was Country/Country club. Casey and Peter were country club goers (Casey even took a croquet mallet to school as his pointer for the day). The girls and I were cowgirls. Alice was all about her hat and wore it for a couple of days at home. Friday was school spirit day. The kids looked great! Unfortunately there was a fire at the Eden area making it so smoky that the kids had to stay in for the day. The homecoming parade and game ended up being cancelled. There will be a make up homecoming at the end of the month. So more to come from that I guess. (The class picture is Peter's class in music wearing Mrs. Howell's many cowboy hats. Alice's pic at the end - she really wanted to wear boots and I wasn't willing to buy boots for one dress up day. She pulled out her snow boots and was very happy with that choice - she wasn't thrilled when I wouldn't let her wear them to school the next day in 90 something degree weather.) 

Casey got to go target shooting in the hills for young mens on the 7th. Kendal has had a smoothie / health night, and a game night for mutual. 

A group of people put on a big 9/11 memorial by the Perrine Bridge. They had displays, speakers, singers, presentations, a massive flag (one of the biggest flown in the country) spread across the canyon, and booths all around. We got to see the flag, the kids walked around in a tank and other emergency vehicles, we read about 9/11, listened to some music, and enjoyed watching a helicopter go around the area. It's crazy to think that 9/11 was 21 years ago and the kids of today learn of it as a "historical event". 

I got to host book club this past week. We read the book Anxious People and went to 'Pick me up' to have treats and talk about the book. Unfortunately, the dining area was closed so we had to order through the drive through window and eat our treats outside at a table. Luckily it was a mild night and it was fine to sit outside. It was a good book and a nice discussion with the girls! 

We had an interesting day this past Thursday. The schools were on extra alert when the local police were trying to catch a group of people that robbed a home in Gooding. The caught one early on and ended up surrounding a corn field waiting the other four people out.  Three were taken into custody and one is still on the loose. The walking kids had to be kept in for a bit on Thursday and the kids that lived by the corn field had to be picked up by parents, and our principal drove behind the school bus on its way home. Friday came with more security and alert, but nothing of note happened. So hopefully the guy used some part of his brain and got away from the area. 

Our days are filled with school and work right now. Sadly were still waiting for the subdivision to be done. (It's within reach, but we just can't seem to get there. I'm trying not to be down about it, and have more trust in the Lord's timing.)

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