Monday, August 1, 2022

Anniversary, camping, sports!

 Casey and I celebrated 16yrs on the 18th! We had a simple date where we went to see Thor Love and Thunder and then had dinner at Texas Rd House. Casey re-did our bedroom mirror and made it into a hexagon! I love how it turned out and I Love his willingness to make and do for my creative whims. I gifted him a couple of books he's missing from his Terry Brooks collection. I love Casey so very much. He's truly my best friend and soul mate. I talked recently about a soul mate being someone you don't find, but choose, then get to work together building a life and relationship that lasts, loves, and grows in many ways. We are imperfect in many ways, but I'd choose him time and time again!

(not the finished mirror, just taken after he cut it down to a hexagon!)

Alice got to have a play date with Ava Tuesday (19th). We ended up having her over for the entire afternoon because the girls were having so much fun together! 

Kendal and Peter got to do the Tews basketball camp that week 18th-20th. Peter was in a skills class and Kendal a shooters class. Jessica (the gal in charge) was so sweet and let Kendal and Peter join each other's classes for the remaining two days. They were thrilled to get the extra time and they loved being in classes with some friends this year. Made for an even better experience! (and the carpool help out to Filer was nice ; )

The kids have been wanting to go camping this summer and we finally made it happen the weekend of the 21-23rd. We left Thursday afternoon up to the south hills. We chose a camp spot just south of Magic Mountain. We set up camp and had an early dinner so we could get some fishing in. We ended up finding Moose and ground bee's so we had to give up. We went back to camp and Peter made and started a fire for us so we could cook smore's. We went to bed when it was dark and the kids slept well through the night. The next morning we decided to go for a hike to Phantom falls. We drove a ways out and the road to the falls ended up being closed. So we walked the path for a bit. It had major ruts and was very damaged by flooding in a recent years. We only went about half a mile in before we turned back and went back to camp. We had lunch and had a washers competition back at camp. That afternoon we went on a longer hike on the Eagle trail. We didn't know till we got there that Alice had left her sneakers back at camp. She was a trooper and walked the whole thing (Minus a couple of stretches being carried) in her flip flops. The kids did really great; especially given the fact that the hike was over a mile longer than we originally thought.  We went on another drive to try and find a Humming bird sanctuary that's hidden somewhere, but we didn't end up finding it. We had a hot dog roast that night and finished off our marshmallows. Second night was noisier with other campers around, but the kids seemed to ignore it and slept through a lot. After breakfast we cleaned up camp and headed out. On our way home we did the Ross Falls hike and went fishing. (Really the kids just got in the water and waved fishing poles for a while. We think it was too hot for the fish to be out in the middle of the day.) 

Casey's car doesn't have AC so we had some dusty car rides the whole weekend. We unpacked that afternoon and cleaned up our car, and ourselves from all the dust and dirt. That night we went to a Stake Pioneer dinner that was held at the city park. The kids found cousins and friends quickly and happily played away the evening. 

I had a few outings the past couple of weeks. A girls night out to see Where the Crawdad's sing. (Good book, turned into a good movie.) A book club night at Christina's and a lunch date with friends to celebrate Christina's birthday the next day. I've read a lot this year and know that Casey and I are going to crush last years book numbers by the end of the year! I've read a lot of deep books, with some lighter ones in the mix. Book club has been good to shuffle in some different genre's I wouldn't normally go for. 

Peter and Alice started swim lessons last week! Alice was excited to be in a new class with new friends. She is a little fish in the water and is loving her lessons so far! (If only our little fish would listen and sit still a bit more for her teacher, it'd be great.) Peter has a big class, but he's enjoying things so far. He's learning new strokes and was so excited to learn to dive today. They had lessons Mon. - Thurs. last week and will repeat that and finish up on Thursday this week. 

Casey and I stole away for a belated anniversary trip to the Temple last Friday. We picked a random day and time, but ended up being a part of session that our friends (the Jackman's) were in. Their 3 daughters all have mission calls and they were going through with the oldest Janelle for her first time in that session. It was such a divine mercy that we could be there and see these amazing ladies. Their going to rock their missions! 

Kendal had a three day volleyball camp last week. The high school put on a camp and the girls got to work on their skills and play games together with the other middle school age girls. Kendal has try outs next week for Volleyball! 

Peter and his friends did a lemonade stand. They were thrilled to have the fire fighter truck stop by! Any afternoon Peter can be out with friends he is; especially with Austin. The Dansie's have a pool so Peter has enjoyed playing in that with them quite a bit this summer! 

Kendal joined her friend Hope and together they spent a little over a week making spray side walk chalk to sell at a kids market that was held this past weekend. With the help of Hope's mom they put everything together and made it all happen. I'm proud of Kendal's entrepreneurial spirit, and willingness to put herself out there. We had Jemma with us (Her Mom and Dad were on an Anniversary date) and we took the kids to the market. The little girls got sparkly tattoos and we picked up a few treats. We had Kendal bring home some spray chalk for the kids using the money I lent for change. 

Today we registered Peter for school! He'll have Ms. Martindale. She's new so we know nothing about her yet. Alice and the other kindergarten kids are still unassigned so hopefully we'll know sooner rather than later with her. The summer days are rushing by and school will be here in a mere three weeks. The kids are pumped to go! We had hoped to have our lot purchased by now but we haven't been lucky so far with the timing of things.  (It's been easy for me to get discouraged and my positivity has waned a bit. Our prayers have poured out for things to come together for us / my Dad (who's putting every sub / thing together for this home). . I had the impression when we visited the temple last week to TRUST. Trust in the Lords timing. Trust in things to work our for the best for our family and circumstance. Trust that our Father in Heaven is blessing us in many seen and unseen ways. I don't have the easiest time putting myself at the will of others and being in an unknown space of life. I've done it three times before though, and on the Lords timing I got three wonderful blessings. This is just my next blessing that will happen on the Lord's timing / way.) Deep breaths, patience, hope, trust. . . 

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