Sunday, April 17, 2022

Spring, Sports, Snow, . . . Easter

Kendal has had both of her track meets canceled the last two weeks due to weather. First high winds and low temps then this last week we had snow almost daily and that cancelled her other one. She's been working hard on her triple jump and her long distance running with a bit of hurdles in the mix. Casey decided to put on an track meet for just the middle school Kimberly kids this last Friday, so at the very least the kids would get a feel for a real track meet, get some results and meet experience in. Since the high school was off at their own meet Casey was short some help. I pitched in and helped with Long Jump and Triple jump running the girls end of things (very clueless, but I did my best). Kendal did her triple jump first. She has good form on her jump, but not a lot of gusto at the end to leap into the sand. She did the 800, 400, and a medley relay. She ran with 6th-8th graders, so her results weren't epic, but when Casey pulled up her numbers against others in the district she's OK in the 6th grade standings. We'll see how she does in the coming weeks and hope that no more meets get cancelled. Peter opted out of going to the meet, so I just took Alice. She was pill at the sand pit, so Casey took her away and she ended up with James, Naomi, and Aunt Vanessa. I was grateful we didn't have rain and the sun peeked out a couple of times during the meet. 

Kendal has track every afternoon after school and then volleyball practice Tuesday and Thursday. Her games took us to Murtaugh on the 9th. Her team won 4 out of their 6 games! The girls played well and Kendal got in there and played well. Yesterday we headed down to Burley for our volleyball games. It was a bust and the girls lost all of their games. It was a combination of many things which I don't need to lament on ( Let's just say we'll have some things to work on this week). 

Peter started soccer practice on the 4th. His first game was on the 9th, but Casey took Peter and Alice to Pocatello for Ashley's baptism instead. Peter had a practice cancelled due to snow this last Monday, and they practiced in the rain / cold on Wednesday. Peter played in his first game yesterday. He did a great job and scored four goals for his team. He played hard and got in there! He's loving soccer so far, and we're excited to see him progress this season! 

As I said above, Casey took Alice and Peter to Ashley's baptism the weekend of the 9th. They went out to spend the night in Raft River Friday night. Terry, Sarah, and their crew were there as well. Alice and Jemma were thrilled to see each other and have a "sleepover" together at Grandma's. They headed out the next morning to the baptism near Pocatello and then had lunch at Nicole and Jordan's new house. They headed back home that afternoon and Casey and I went out on a simple dinner date night while the kids enjoyed a movie night. 

We've had such a snowy / lame week of weather - I joked that it was a belated April Fools, but by day three of snow we were all over it. Hopefully the weather can improve as spring continue. We have put a "down payment" on a piece of land just north of Ballard's way. We are so ready for this dream of a home to happen, we've got a lot of work to go so we hope and pray things continue and will work out for us. 

We registered Alice for Kindergarten this past week. It's crazy to think she'll be at school in a handful of months. I got a call from her Waterford Mentor praising her awesome progress in the program. She's reading on a first grade level and doing math at a first grade level as well. She blows us away with her little mind. She may not love Waterford - especially being timed and a lot of repetition, but she powers through and is truly going really far! She loves her routine filled days, Sadie's and preschool, she's got some great friends at each that make her days even better. This week she had an egg hunt at preschool on Thursday, and another the next day at Sadie's. Sadie said Alice was a sweetheart during the Easter party and took turns and was a good sport about everything they did. 


Casey took Alice and Peter to the Kimberly City egg hunt yesterday morning. It was a mild morning and they both won some prizes and enjoyed getting some treats. Alice has been funny this week with the Easter candy. She's declared she doesn't like Jelly Beans, and has turned down a bunch of different chocolates. She was sweet and shared her goodies with others each day she got treats. 

The kids woke this morning to find the Easter Bunny had made his way here. Having 9 am church made it a bit of a time crunch to find all of the goodies, but the kids mostly managed (with some major hints towards the end). Kendal and Peter got Harry Potter Lego sets, swim goggles, and treats. Alice got simple Frozen Lego's, a barbie outfit, and a little Belle doll with her candy and goggles. All the kids rooted out their new swim suits as well (which weren't in the baskets because they had discovered them before hand). We went to church and had a wonderful sacrament meeting and lessons today. Kendal sang "Gethsemane" with the youth in Sacrament meeting - Alice sat on my lap and sang along. After church the kids tore into their Lego sets and built away. We made homemade rolls and carrot cake this afternoon as well. The sun was out today so we scooted the kids played outside for a bit. After that they came in and built a fort in the living room. It was a simple day, but wonderful in many ways. We are grateful to have a Savior in our lives that has allowed us to be forgiven of our shortcomings and had given us the knowledge that we will be resurrected someday. 

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