Sunday, January 16, 2022

Rolling into 2022


After the holiday break we had school for one day before the weather shut the schools down for two days. The first snow day (4th)The kids went sledding with some friends. I joined for a bit and brought the girls back home to get warm and dry. Peter was in and out all day long with friends enjoying snow and playing around. The second snow day was less fun, because it was so wet outside it wasn't fun to go out into. The kids played around the house and enjoyed their Christmas presents some more. (Alice took such care to pack the snowballs in her picture and tenderly took them home.) 

Peter had his first basketball practice's last week. He's happy to have a lot of friends on his team this season! They're lacking a bit in height so we'll see how the season goes. 

On Monday of that week Alice and I went to meet her new preschool teacher. Mrs. Tysha (Clemments). She agreed to take all of the kids for the rest of the school year. Alice gets to stay with her 3 buddies and they added five boys to the mix. It should be a fun time for the kids! After the snow day canceled Alice's first day of her new preschool she started back last Thursday. Alice is so good to roll with the changes and she's enjoying her new group so far. 

After a couple of weeks of holidays and the kids having snow days Casey and I stole away for a date night on the 7th. We just ate out (at Mo Beta's) and did some shopping for Alice's birthday. 

Casey was gone all last Saturday for basketball. (He's having a rough second half to his season. Girls are hurt, sick, or lacking in positive attitudes about playing. His last two games had a scant team to play and he hasn't had a full team at practices in over a month.) With Casey gone we had a lazy day. I had the kids clean up a bit and took them out for ice cream after lunch. Kendal went to hang out with Alycin's for the afternoon. Peter played with Alice then the wii and I played barbies and read with Alice. 

This past week we got back into our routine. School, piano, basketball, and life. Peter did catch something and woke up not feeling well on Wednesday. I took him in to get tested for Covid that afternoon. He had a temp of 103 while we were waiting for the test / results. They ended up testing him for strep, influenza, and covid. He was negative on all accounts, but his high fever's made the Dr. concerned so they ordered Peter to be on antibiotics for 5 days. Peter was so sleepy and down that first day I kept him home Thursday as well. He perked up, but wasn't quite himself yet so He had to miss basketball practice and STEAM night at school. 

I got recruited to help with STEAM night at the school. The kids stayed home, because I didn't want to share germs or get new germs. I was supposed to be over a paint station, however when I went to prepare things the paints were frozen solid, so we did a plan b and went with dry erase markers. The kids didn't mind and I was happy not to have to clean up paints for a couple of hours.  

Alice got to take birthday treats to both day care and Preschool on Thursday. She was so excited to share with her buddies. Her preschool teacher was sweet and sent her home with a balloon and sticker gift. Alice has slept with her balloon since! 

Kendal went skiing on Friday with the 6th graders. Minus being stuck on the bunny hill longer than she wanted (lack of instructors made it so she had to wait a while to get onto the bigger hills). She had a good time and got to be with some friends! I worked for a couple of hours and then Alice, Peter and I joined some friends at Banbury (A hot springs in Buhl). Alice had a life jacket on and was having a blast in the water. Peter went off the diving board, and played around with Austin, Tayven, and Kyler for the rest of the time. There was a log in the water that the boys tried to stay on without rolling off. The water was so nice and warm, but getting out to go to the restroom, or change was a different story! 

Yesterday was Alic'es birthday!! Alice opened presents and we enjoyed waffles for breakfast. Casey took Kendal and Peter to clean the church while I kept Alice at home. She played with her new things while I made her cupcakes. For her birthday Alice got a stuffed unicorn, a mythical sticker book, princess legos, a calico critter car, princess dresses for her big doll, and a grow your own unicorn from us. Aunt Katherine gave her a sweet unicorn glow light, and a unicorn book! Grandma and Grandpa Loosle gave her a sweatshirt, stamp art kit, a dress up doll, and barbie outfits. She's loved the stamp art, and all of the dress up's for her dolls! Kendal gave her a Frozen book. Grandma Darrington stopped in for a little bit and gave Alice a fun unicorn outfit for her big doll! Kendal stayed with Alice to play and enjoy her new birthday presents while Casey and I took Peter to his first game. Peter's team is lacking in height and a few of the kids in skills so we'll see how this season goes. They were outmatched for this first game and lost 8 to 22. Peter made a basket and got into the game, so I know he's going into this season ready and pumped! After Peter's game we got to work on the girls room. I finally consented to "bonk beds" for the girls (Alice has needed to get into a bigger bed for way to long and it was time)! Terry dropped off Jemma to play for a couple of hours. The girls were so happy to see each other and play together. They've definitely missed each other so it was good they got some quality time together! The bunk beds consumed most of the afternoon. Casey was the master builder with Peter helping, and the girls peeking in throughout the process. We let Alice pick dinner and she chose Culvers. The kids love it because they get free ice cream at the end of the meal. We ended our night with cupcakes and chatting with Grandma, Grandpa, and Katherine.

Today we got to go to church this morning. Not gonna lie. 9 a.m. feels super early, but it's so nice to come home from church and enjoy the rest of the day together. The kids have moved toys into the girls room this afternoon and I'm making some cheesy bread! 

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