Monday, April 19, 2021

Some of April

Kendal has had Volleyball the last two Saturday's. She played three games in Murtagh on the 10th (Win, Loss, Win!) and she played another three in Burley on the 17th (Loss, Win, Loss). Her skills are definitely growing in this short month of playing, and she's getting the hang of an overhand serve! 

Kendal's gotten to go to a couple of friends birthday parties the past couple of weeks, she had an after school party for Tayven and a late night out smore's party with Adi. These two have been her friends for many years. Sadly we're loosing Adi this summer when her family moves to Idaho Falls. 

Peter met his reading goal at school and got a kiwi loco coupon as a prize. Casey took him out for ice cream this past weekend to enjoy his reward. 

Alice got sick a couple of weekends ago and it turned into a cold that made its way through the family in varying degrees. Alice and I have it the worst with most of the rough symptoms with the others only getting stuffy / runny noses. 

Alice's interest in preschool varies, but we're working on letter sounds and more with numbers and other concepts. She loves having a playmate twice a week with Jemma. They play all the things, Lego, dress up, barbies, babies, pretend play, princesses, etc. 

Casey has had a couple of track meets. Both not great weather, but such is spring in Idaho. After a little over 2 1/2 years I got released from Young Women's. Kendal was upset I was "ditching her", and I feel sad going, but mostly ready. Not going to lie it's a calling with a large responsibility. I've honestly put my heart into it and am grateful for all that I did and the amazing youth I got to serve with.  

Nana had a horrible fall just over a week ago. She broke her back, cut open her arm, and fractured her feet. I cannot imagine her pain and suffering and my heart aches for her. I hope and pray for answers, help, and blessings to be poured down on her. My thoughts have been swirling on my grandparents. Memories and such. I wanted to write some simple things I feel they taught me. 

Grandma McAllister: She made things personable. From the cards / letters we'd write to each other, to the slippers she made us as kids. She knew how to make us feel special. Sewing - while my skills stem from my Mom; my machine belonged to my Grandma and I know she sparked part of my gift of sewing.

Grandpa McAllister: He had a love of learning. We were always being taught something from his depth of knowledge in many areas. I appreciate gardening because of Grandpa (not because i'm good at it, but the wonder of growing your own joy and the beauty of the earth). 

Grandpa Loosle (Papa): Grandpa was a creator. He would build, tinker, and make wonderful things; to a kid they were magnificent. He liked to gather - to be together as a family, celebrating, eating, laughing, playing, etc.

Grandma Loosle (Nana): I've always been in awe of Nana and the life she created and all that she did. She loves unconditionally and her heart is so wonderful. Hugs - can't beat a hug from Nana. 

I was told in my patriarchal blessing what wonderful examples and influence my parents and grandparents have in my life. I know the base of my faith comes from them. I know my love for family comes from them. I know my different attributes good / bad (thoughtful, stubborn, gratitude, loving, etc.) come from them ; ) It doesn't take a lot to appreciate them and it's easy to love them always. 

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