Friday, January 15, 2021

Alice is 4!

Alice turned four today! Alice is a ray of sunshine in our home! She has such a bright and silly personality that keeps us smiling all of the time! Alice is our girly girl. She loves all things dress up, dolls, music, princesses, etc. She would wear dress up all day every day if I let her! She spent a lot of this last year in her Anna dress. She now has more variety so her outfits change regularly. She loves her dolls. Her big doll, her Barbies, her little princesses, and her calico critters. She enjoys paint, play dough, and being crafty. She's loved doing home school with mommy this fall! We love her personality, she is at such an honest and silly time in life. We are so lucky to have Alice as our caboose! We love you sweet girl! 

I took Alice out yesterday for errands and turned it into a pre birthday outing. Along with errands we got her birthday cupcake from Barnes and Noble, birthday balloons, (which she insisted on handling the rest of the day) and decorations, along with lunch! 

Alice woke this morning to lots of presents. She got spoiled for sure! We set up her new calico critter house that we fully furnished and she got a koala bear family to go with it. My parents gave her a cute unicorn dress that she loves, a big cuddly blanket, a Dr. kit, and a bunk bed set to go with her play house! Aunt Katherine gave her a ballerina doll outfit and some frozen books (perfect because she declared it a frozen two birthday!). Casey's parents gave her a new barbie with fun outfits! She was thrilled with it all. She spent quite a while playing Dr in all of us before she tucked into a long day of dolls of every kind. She and Peter watched Frozen 2 while Kendal and I went to the Virnig funeral. Daddy came home though while we were gone and made the kids Mac and cheese. We had more play time this afternoon. Alice really wanted to help with her cupcakes. (Definitely messy, but she was thrilled, so that's all that matters!) Alice insisted on more noodles for dinner so we had spaghetti! We got to talk to a lot of family today and just play the day away so life is pretty good for this little girl! 

Alice interview, age 4

Favorite color: pink, 

Favorite Activity: playing Barbies

Favorite Food: macaroni

Favorite Animal: unicorn

Favorite song: Let it go

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Favorite Book: Elsa and Anna

When I grow up: home school, dress up as Elsa 

Nicknames: Ali (she said this, we don't call her Ali, but a few extended family members do), short cake (short for strawberry short cake), peanut, 

At age 4 Alice is 3ft 6 in. and 35lbs!

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