Saturday, November 28, 2020

Give Thanks

 We were asked by President Nelson to write about gratitude and share it with others. I posted mine on Facebook originally and am reposting them here.

Day 1

Typically we have a tradition to do Thankful leaves at the beginning of November and then I hang them for us to see the rest of the month. This year I let busy weeks and stress push it aside. Today I was reminded how important this opportunity is to have my kids display their gratitude. 

So today I am thankful for traditions, big and small that my family enjoys!

Day 2

I am grateful for hope. 

Hope it's what helped me through three bouts of infertility and blessed me with three amazing kids. 

Hope is what gave (gives) me light through my mental health lowes of depression and anxiety. 

Hope gives me courage for things promised, yet not seen.

Hope is a gift I can hold tight onto, yet also share at the same time. 

Hope and faith walk hand in hand. My Savior has taught me that. 

Hope inspires dreams, many of which I have and are blessed with, and many I hope to look forward to. 

Day 3

Today I am grateful for the gospel. I am grateful for all that it encompasses. 

- A loving Heavenly Father, the beginning and the end

- My Savior Jesus Christ, my light, my rock. . .

- The Holy Ghost, the ultimate comforter

- A living prophet, that gives heavenly guidance

- Scriptures, that teach and guide

- The Temple, that gives me eternal blessings and a forever family

- etc. - there are truly endless reasons I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. It has blessed my life in innumerable ways. 

I am grateful for religion in all forms and for all its diversity. As well as the privilege to worship how, where, and what we may. 

Day 4

I've never liked the saying choose happiness. I don't have the ability to snap into a happy state at will. I do believe a set of choices can lead to Happiness. This year has definitely pushed me to find more choices that bring happiness and fill my personal cup. My top three that I'm grateful for are: 

Laughter: sometimes you just need a good laugh to lift you up. I've found that in my silly kids, shows, and people.

Music: I have a deep love for music. It may not be on my list of talents, but I very much appreciate it. Music is balm to my soul in any mood I'm in.

Reading: I've always loved books; and I love that my kids and husband adore them as well. This year I've read more than I ever have in a year! They've become a beautiful refuge to dive into when I need a bit of time to myself. 

Day 5

I am grateful for this little lady! Alice brightens our world and makes us laugh daily. She is silly, over the top, and wonderful all rolled into one. We couldn't imagine life without her!

We did our thankful leaves the other day! 

Alice is thankful for: grandparents, mommy, spinning, eating, twinkle twinkle🎵, sleep, blankets, Kendal, cousins / Jemma, bike, and rubber bands 😆


Day 6

I am grateful for my one and only Peter! He has a huge heart, an amazing mind, and a very strong will. He teaches, and stretches me in every way and I thank him for helping me be a better Mom. Peter; you are perfect for me! 

Peter's thankful leaves: Air, Daddy, Legos, food, home, family, learning, time, shoes, and his favorite stuffed Animals - chewy, little chewy, monkey, monk, and teddy

Day 7

Kendal was our first dream turned reality! She has a heart of gold and wears it on her sleeve. Kendal has a great light to her that reaches out to those around her. She is a dreamer and I hope she never looses her sense of wonder! 

Kendal's thankful leaves: light, tithing, Jesus, Holy Ghost, books, Alice, safety, health, help, trees, ducky

Day 8

I am grateful to have this amazing man in my life. Casey cares so much, is very dedicated, and works so hard to give his best as Husband, Father, Teacher, Coach, and his church callings. Casey and I are imperfect in every way, yet perfect for each other. Casey is the love of my life, my very best friend, our kids' favorite, and simply put a wonderful man! 

He's not one to post so I'll share Casey's thankful leaves: Peter, employment, education, diversity, singing, Christmas, automobile, pizza, warm bed, and being together

Day 9

Family and friends: They are our playmates, our examples, they teach us, love us, care for us, lift us, laugh with us, tolerate us, and very much bless us!! 

Day 10
Last grateful post 

I am grateful for our beautiful world. Thanks to covid my appreciation to get out and enjoy mother nature grew a lot this year. I love all the beauty that surrounds us; always there for us to enjoy. I love the change of the seasons. New life in the spring, sunshine filled days in the summer, beautiful changing leaves in the fall,  and the stillness of winter. Nature shows us change is a wonderful thing. 

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