Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Pumpkin time!

 We've been lucky to continue with in person school for the kids and Casey. The high school had to go to a yellow plan (every other day) for a week because of higher cases. I know the kids thrive having in person class / school and I hope and pray it continues! Alice is still all hype for at home preschool. Even though she varies on how much she'll do with me she's still loving it!  

Kendal had KYA basketball observations on the 15th. She's on a team with 5th / 6th graders this year called the Huskies! There wasn't an opportunity for her to join a traveling league this year so we'll enjoy a simpler basketball season. Kendal started practice this past week. Her team looks great! She complained about being on the small side on her team, but we told her it's even more reason to get out there and show some grit and determination! We can't wait to see her play this season!

There was no school on the 16th so we headed out to Raft River so Casey could fix some shingles that came off on his parents roof. We just hung around the house for the day. The kids picked pumpkins and decorated Grandma's porch with them. Casey took the kids to see Grandpa and ride in the Beet truck in the afternoon. They all had a good time, Alice was upset when her turn was over. We had dinner with Cheryl before heading home that evening. 

I decided Saturday morning to go take family pictures. We did our own version of family pictures (I may not justify the price of a professional photographer, but pictures are very important to me so we still get them one way or another). We headed out to Twin Falls Power park and got some photos. A kind woman saw we were doing a timer / running method and took a few for us. I always find it crazy how many pictures it takes to get a few good ones. Patience was running low by the end, but we bribed with some ice cream afterwards to make up for Mommy's demands. 

Saturday night Casey and I decided to have a date night we ditched the kids with a movie / pizza and went out to eat at Maxies. It was a simple date, but some quality time with my sweetheart which was wonderful!  

I bought Casey another pie pumpkin this year because last years was a hit. He made it Saturday and we all enjoyed it on Sunday (18th). That Sunday was our first time back with our "whole ward" since march. (It may have been a short lived luxury since our State restrictions got put back to Stage 3 yesterday - we'll see how things go in the coming weeks.) I got to do a caramel apple night, a pumpkin decorating "distance version" contest, and a murder mystery night with my YW lately. My group will be changing soon so it has been nice to get in some quality time with the group recently. 


Casey took Peter to the Last JV game last Thursday. The girls and I watched Hocus Pocus. Kendal wasn't a big fan; however she came around to the funny bits, and I was enjoying some 90's nostalgia. 

Kendal has been working so hard these past weeks on for her recital. This past week (Friday 23rd) was her fall recital. The group played Disney / fall songs and each kid dressed to match their song. Kendal was Cinderella and played Bibidi - Bobidi - Boo , and Boogie night fever for her pieces. Even though she felt nervous with such a large group she did a great job on her songs! 

This past Sunday was Nana's 90th birthday. I didn't want to miss her birthday this year so we headed down on Saturday for a visit! We had a big family party at Nana's with family. I got to see some faces I haven't seen in years. Alice was thrilled to have Maggie there to play with and the two were so cute together all weekend! We spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's! Sunday we did home church with my parents and Katherine. We even got a peek at Baby Emmet when David brought him by. He's a precious / perfect little man. It was hard not to get to hold and give him all the love, but we'll wait. We spent the afternoon out at Nana's again. We got to see Peggy and Nathan then as well as Billie and Maggie. The girls continued to play and enjoy each other! We said goodbyes after dinner and headed home with Alice crying for a good while about missing everyone. It was a quick weekend, but a wonderful one! 


I love this sweet lady so very much. My Nana is such a great example to me and we are so very blessed to have her in our lives!

I promised the kids we would carve pumpkins Monday night. (I forgot Casey had a basketball meeting) I threw together the rest of the pumpkin into a small pie yesterday afternoon for a treat afterwards. As we opened the pumpkins - Alice's was rotten on the inside. I did a couple of scoops before the smell became too much and I stopped scooping and just carved. Since it was so soft, and the smell was getting to me I made it the quickest carve ever - and it may not be epic, but Alice was thrilled! Kendal and Peter made their designs and helped clean out their pumpkins. They didn't get very far carving because the pumpkins were thick so I helped them finish out. They were all happy with the results and we enjoyed some pie after!


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