Sunday, June 14, 2020

Lazy Days of Summer

Since the kids missed out on end of school year parties (class, reading, and last day fun) we decided to let them do something they've been wanting to do for a couple of years - kayaking. Casey booked a kayak and took Kendal and Peter out on June second. They went from Centennial Park to Pillar Falls and back. They even got to play around on the rocks at the falls since the water level is low right now. They had a great time (even if the kids' rowing wasn't very helpful ; ).

That night we took the kids to the high school to watch the senior / graduation parade. It was good to get out and support the students and kids from our ward that are graduating.

My YW group did a glow stick dance activity where we made videos at home and then one of the parents put them all together for us to watch. I wanted to motivate my girls by going first, and Casey was sweet enough to join my crazy.

I had a good birthday! Casey made us pancakes for breakfast and I got to open cards from everyone. Casey also learned the happy birthday song on his Ukulele - so I got a couple of serenades that day. We ventured out to Mermaid Cove falls on the north side of the canyon later in the morning. It was a quick little hike, and we were lucky enough to miss the rain. We picked up some lunch on the way home to eat at home. That afternoon the kids ran off so Casey and I watched the latest Toy Story with Alice. When the kids came back Casey made home made Dole Whip. (Sooo Good!!) We ended the night with homemade pizza!


 We've had a very lazy week this past week. With sports cancelled and our days being hectic with school during lock down I'm welcoming a slower pace. I do have a reading and learning on the computer incentive going on with the kids this summer. They have to read everyday and can get extra tickets for doing writing and school stuff on the computer. The tickets go towards prizes (treat, Wii time, outing with mom / dad, etc.)  They spent their first weeks on treats and this past week they combined tickets to have a movie / treat. Kendal and Peter spend most afternoons off with friends while Alice naps or plays with us / Jemma (we have Jemma twice a week). Casey has open gym with basketball for the next month, so starting last Monday he's gone every night for a couple of hours. I got to have my first activity back with my Young Women group this past Wednesday. We had a pizza party (since we won the indexing competition with our ward youth), and we played volleyball. All our activities have to be outside for the next month so we'll see what we end up doing.
Friday evening we went over and had a cookout with the Welch's. Kendal and Peter had been there for a couple of hours and we joined after Jemma was picked up. Alice dressed up the whole time and we enjoyed chatting while the kids were playing around.

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