Sunday, May 17, 2020

Adventure is out there!

Our weeks have been on repeat for awhile now. Kendal's work load is pretty simple - it's all online. She goes onto a program called Wonders for part of her work. It's a mix of vocab, language arts, writing, and grammar. She has a daily writing prompt that she journals and sends to her teacher. She does imagine math and supplements it with other math websites and Kahn academy. She also has to read for half an hour a day (but that's definitely never a hard task for her). She fills in the rest of her time with typing and school game websites. She also mixes in (too much) chatting with friends on email, and gets in a couple of video calls with them during the week. Peter's schedule is below. It's pretty strait forward, and when he wants to is easy to get through. The thing is he typically doesn't want to get through things / struggles; so his lessons drag on for quite a while most days. I've wished for a fast forward button through May because it's been a bit rough, however the end is in sight with only a couple of weeks to go.

We didn't do much on May the 4th, (Casey and I watched he making of the Mandalorian though). We happily ate yummy tacos on taco Tuesday / Cinco de Mayo though! Casey even made horchata!  Kiwi Loco gave $1 yogurts to kids for working hard in school so Casey took the kids last week to enjoy a fun treat!
Kendal finished the Harry Potter series last week. She read about 900 pages of the stories in under a week! So we had our final Harry Potter movie nights Friday and Saturday! Friday I made Harry Potter Pizza, with Elixir of Life milk, poly juice potion, dragon innards, and caramel popcorn. It was a fun way to end the series. Peter wants us to do it all again (fun treats, and movies) when he reads the series in a few years.
After turning black and coming off the finger, Casey had to cut off Alice's nail last week. We hope it grows back. : (

Last weekend we decided to have an easy adventure and we went out to Cauldron Lynn. We've always gone when the falls are roaring along in early spring, but the water level was way down so we got to go explore around the rocks more and just play around a bit.

It's no secret I love The Great British Baking Show and have a running list in my head of things I'd love to try to bake / make. I've wanted to make french macaroons for awhile. For mother's day Casey bought me almond flour so I could make some. So Saturday after Cauldron Lynn I made up a batch. It's a very temperamental recipe with lots that can go wrong. I am pretty proud of myself for making what I did. It wasn't a complete success, but definitely not a failure. Unfortunately I tried them and don't like them at all. I'm not a fan of meringue and was hoping it would lean more towards cookie than meringue, so I was pretty disappointed it didn't. I won't make them again, but at least I can check it off my list. (Everyone else liked them though.)

Cody and Max came up to Idaho so we decided to head out to Raft River. The kids begged to go Saturday night so we went out earlier to celebrate Mother's Day weekend with Kenny and Cheryl. We got to see Nicole, Jordan, and their trio Saturday night for a couple of hours. The kids had fun together after months apart! Casey and Cody were champs and made and cleaned up meals on Mother's day for everyone. We got to have church at home together, and a nice video meeting with Kenny and Cheryl's ward. It was nice seeing family that we've missed. We also got to skype my parents and Katherine and see their awesome faces!

Kendal got into trouble this past week. She asked to go out to play, however a while later I had no clue where she was. She had gone over to the school to play with a friend from the ward. She didn't have permission or tell me where she was so I was pretty upset. She got herself grounded for a week from friends, email, and video chats. (She may have been our easy so far, but I think we have some interesting years ahead of us.)
Peter's worked hard and read his biggest book yet - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. He finished on Friday so we got to have a movie night! I put together Wonka bars and we had "fudge popscicles" also. I'm pretty proud of Peter for finishing! He may not say he likes reading, but I know with the right book he loves to read!

Yesterday we went to Craters of the Moon. We knew it was quite a trek to go there and back, but it was worth it! It was a perfect warm / overcast day. Even with parts of the park closed we still got to explore quite a bit, and had a wonderful day out. We did quite a few trails and even got to go into part of Buffalo cave. Alice was so dirty by the end of the day, but so happy with herself (especially when she got us to carry her on a few of the walks and play in rocks). We did half a dozen trails and ended up walking just under five miles for the day. We look forward to these "adventures". It's been a blessing to go out, be free from Apartment life, and letting our kids be free and loud! The kids all agreed that Craters of the Moon has been their favorite outing with the caves in Gooding as a close second. 

I've been waiting since the fourth to watch the last Star Wars. We got to watch it this weekend and it did not disappoint. Peter was talking us through the whole thing (since he saw it with Casey) and Kendal had a hundred questions. We love Star Wars and enjoyed finishing it together!
Plus some extra pictures for extra smiles.

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