Monday, January 6, 2020

Holiday Break 2019-20

We made gingerbread cookies on the 23rd. Kendal and Peter were very proud of their cookies. Alice made messes and enjoyed herself. Even Casey got in on the action making Groot and frosting cookies with us.

Christmas Eve was a snowy day. We watched it fall all morning and then Kendal and Peter played in it after lunch. That evening we ate tamales at Brett and Vanessa's. Terry, Sarah, and their crew were there with us as well. Alice found dress up and spent the rest of the time trying to convince James to dance.

Kendal and Peter got up at 3:30 in the morning. It took a couple of tries to get them to stay in bed. We did round two after 7:00. The kids came in and we did our tradition of listening to the Christmas story.  It's nice to start our Christmas with the real reason for the day. Afterwards the kids happily went in to open their gifts.
 Kendal got a camera from Mom and Dad, a fitness watch from Santa, a couple of books from Alice and Pete, plus a few other things. She's loved her watch, she's been very into counting her steps and beating her steps the next day.  She also wants to learn to use her camera better.
 Peter got a Dragon Ninjago Lego set from Mom and Dad, a Hulk buster Lego set from Santa, a couple of fun books from his sisters, and a few extras. He spent countless hours building Legos on Christmas. He was in the building zone for so long we took to checking up on him after so long.
Alice got dress up from Mom and Dad, a doll from Santa, a couple of frozen books from Kendal and Pete, plus some other fun things. She wore her Anna dress all day long and has spent many days since dancing and pretending her days away in her dress up. She also loves the doll. It's a lot like Kendal's doll that she covets. She was even Dr. Anna for a while on Christmas covering her doll with bandaids. She's named her doll Alice, we'll see if it sticks.
Casey got a work bench as his main gift and Rhett and Link's book. I got a couple of shirts, a church bag, and church shoes.
As a family, we got tickets to an Aggie game, a new card game, and the Jurassic park movies.
We spent all of Christmas day at home. We let the kids play the day away. We played some games and just enjoyed time together.

We went out to Raft River the day after Christmas to spend a few days with Casey's family. Brett, Vanessa, Cody, and Mia were there Thursday, Nicole and Jordan came Friday, and Terry and Sarah came Saturday. Since there wasn't much snow the we took the kids to the church to play ball both Friday and Saturday - otherwise they were running around the house having a blast together, making tons of messes, noise, and memories. Kendal, David, Becca, and Peter even put on a play for us Thursday. The "big" kids got to have fun playing games both nights. (We even shockingly got all of the kids to sleep around 8 Friday night - miracle!!) Saturday was our gift / party day with everyone there. The kids got to open gifts from their cousins and Grandma and Grandpa. Kendal got an expansion to her exploding kittens game, and a book from Grandma and Grandpa. Naomi gave her moon sand. Peter got Bey blades (battling tops) from Grandma and Grandpa, and a Lego set from Thomas. Alice got play dough and an Elsa towel from Grandma, and a princess set from Becca!
Casey and I got shirts (USU and a camo Unicorn) from the sibling exchange, we got Wii stuff and a gift card from Mom and Dad D! After dinner the kids put on a nativity. Alice was a sheep, Peter an angel, and Kendal was a shepherd. It was cute and funny rolled into one. Our donkey was uncle Cody, the little cows (James and Max) got into a spitting match, and one of the cows (Max) licked baby Jesus (Naomi ; ). It's always a great time with the Darrington clan!

We headed home for a couple of days. We had church, and Casey put in a couple of basketball practices to start out the week. Kendal and Peter got to go play at the Dansie's house for a while in the afternoon. We took the kids out to eat with our Olive Garden gift card Monday night. (Lesson one - Don't take kids out to eat - they have no patience for food and their manners are low. Lesson two - kids are always iffy eaters - why did I buy that kids meal that they don't touch. Lesson three - Don't take kids out to eat - just go for a date night in the future.)

We headed to Logan New Years Eve. The kids got to open their gifts from my parents and Katherine when we got there. Kendal got a fun book set from Grandpa and Grandma with little Lego Elsa figure. She also got hatchimals and a book from Aunt Katherine. Peter got walkie talkies and Lego's from Grandma and Grandpa and a robot, launcher, and book from Aunt Katherine. Alice got a Frozen Lego set from Grandma and Grandpa, and a fairy dress up from Katherine (with a book to come). All the kids got pajamas and treats from Grandma and Grandpa as well. Alice hooted like an owl while wearing hers. Casey got tools, walkie talkies, and a neat globe from my parents, and an Aggie shirt from Katherine. I got neat salt lamps, boots, and some kitchen measuring containers from my parents, and Katherine got me The Greatest Showman.
That evening we went out to David and Anica's for dinner. The kids played the evening away together! We let the kids have some noise makers and counted that as their celebration along with some cake. We put them to bed near 10 and didn't make it to midnight ourselves, but that's fine with us.

We had intentions to go sledding on New Years Day, however the snow decided to show up. Instead we went out to our usual bowling and arcade fun at the Fun Park. Peter did well playing against Anica, David, and Elliot. Casey squeaked out a win against my mom and I while Kendal (who played without bumpers) came in last. I let Alice bowl (drop, kick, push) a few balls down the lane (gutter ; ) . She was happy which made it more fun for us. We got some pizza and played games that night at my parents.

Thursday we went sledding in the morning at the shop. The kids had so much fun getting pulled behind the four wheelers. Even Alice wasn't ready to give up in the end and would've kept going. She was funny and called the sled her boat, and any dirt hill a mountain. Katherine and I even got in the sled a few times with the kids. Kendal and Peter had a great time and loved going all over on the sleds. That afternoon we went and visited Nana for a bit. The kids played for a while and we just enjoyed time with our favorite Nana! We had another family dinner and game night that evening.

Friday I took my parents down to the U of U hospital for my Dad's surgery. He's gone through so much these past few months, and it's lead to this surgery where he got his stints and most of his prostate removed. I hate to see him so down and in pain through all of this, I pray and have hope for a brighter road ahead with less pain / issues. (Love you Dad and Mom). The surgery and recovery went late so I stayed the night with my Mom and spent more time with them before going back to Logan Saturday. I felt so torn with decisions all weekend - especially leaving my parents, - I decided to go back to Logan so I could join Casey, Kendal, and Peter to go to an Aggie basketball game. Before the game we had a birthday dinner with Katherine. (Who was beyond sweet to watch Alice for us on her birthday) Casey and Katherine took the kids to the Home Depot build Saturday morning.

We went to sacrament meeting in my parents ward Sunday. I bore my testimony about my pessimistic Dad (Out of love - I promise ; ) how I've chosen to have hope for my parents, and how throughout all of their trials I see nothing but faith and love for the gospel, Christ, and our Heavenly Father - A true example and blessing to me. We went up to David's to eat lunch then back to my parents to welcome them home. We made our time brief as to not overwhelm them. We ended our stay with a visit to Nana. Billie and Emma were out with Nana. The kids played away and made gingerbread houses, while we chatted and helped put together a puzzle. We ended our trip and made our way home back to reality and life this week. (Basketball for Casey, Kendal, and Peter, babysitting Jemma, school, etc.)


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