Sunday, November 24, 2019

You win some you loose some

We're well into basketball season now with no end in sight for a few months. Casey's had three games the past couple of weeks. They were all losses, but there is potential if the girls can get their skills in gear. Kendal had two tough games the past two Saturday's. She played the same team both times. The first time they had a good lead, but lost it in the end. (Kenny and Cheryl came to see Kendal and Becca play last weekend. They gifted Kendal a cute purple dress for her birthday! ) This past Saturday they were neck and neck the whole time and ended up in a tie after an overtime. Kendal continues to have four practices a week, she's growing in confidence and skill. Fingers crossed she doesn't have major conflicts in a couple of weeks when her league Vipers team starts games.

The kids got to sing in a Veterans day assembly this past week. They've been singing the song at home and were happy to see the veterans in the area and honor their papa's that have served with write ups about them on their hero wall at school. I was able to go and have parent teacher conferences with Peter's teacher. She had good things to say about him and is happy with his progress this fall. Both kids are doing good in school this year, and have both met their AR (reading) goal early! Being in fourth grade Kendal is learning about Idaho history. She made a Salt dough map of Idaho this past week. I've gotten to help out at the school a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. Peter's class is one of the classes I get to help with. Alice loves to sit with Peter and read, or find girls with princess, or animal books to read to her.

After a month of refusing to pull his tooth out Peter finally lost his tooth on Friday (when he bit into his sandwich at school). It's about time bud! We have a feeling this trend is just going to continue with all his permanent teeth coming in from behind till the baby teeth give up and let go. Peter's reading is improving and he's all the way to Dragon Masters #10! He loves the books and we're happy he's found books he enjoys. ( Aside from Desmond Cole ; )

Crossing our fingers, but it seems Alice is finally potty trained!!!! (cue the fireworks, trumpets, "we are the champions"! etc. Seriously I feel like an Olympic athletes mom. I'm behind all that hard work these ridiculously long past few months, and am so thrilled she's won the race!) Little lady just decided this past week to sit and poop instead of go when she wanted, near the potty, or on her way to it. I've got to say this has been our longest and hardest "battle" and my are we happy were on the other side. She may out do Peter in the strong willed category (Heaven help us). She is a hoot though. She's at the funnest stage where she does and says so many random things that crack us up and make us smile every day.

Kendal had a good birthday. We got to extend the celebration yesterday when we went to see Frozen 2. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma we were treated with the opportunity to see the new movie and we went yesterday afternoon. It was very funny and had a good story line. All of the kids were enthralled (even Peter who says it was ok ; ). We gave it our approval and loved going (THANKS MOM and DAD!). Afterwards we went to Costa Vita for Dinner and picked up Kendal's birthday cupcake at Barnes and Noble.

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