Sunday, July 14, 2019

July happenings

The kids finished their basketball camp the last week of June. They both enjoyed their experience and gained some skills.
Kendal got a play date with her school friend Hannah that Thursday. They did a little bit of everything the afternoon she was over ( science experiments, making chapstick, dolls, games, etc.)

That Friday afternoon we headed out to Raft River. Casey helped fill a hole in the yard and the kids played with cousins. Saturday morning Casey and Peter went fishing with Brett and David at Sublet reservoir. The rest of us went to the Steadman slide for the Brown family reunion. Kendal and Becca took Alice down first however it didn't end well (see pic below) so Alice took awhile for us to get her back on with others. Kendal and Becca spent the whole time enjoying the water slide and it wasn't until Casey and Peter got back that Alice would go again. Alice much preferred the sandbox, and swings. We stayed for dinner and then came home.




I am on jury duty this month. I thankfully was off the first week of July and my assigned case was settled earlier this past week. Because I was off we were able to go to Logan for the week of the fourth. Always outside play, lots of sweets, and late nights of fun. Alice even took off inn the tricycle asst my parents house after only a few tries.
Tuesday I took Kendal and Peter out to Anica and David's house. They played with Elliot and Isaac on their water slide.



Wednesday I took the kids out to Nibley. The older two helped the boys at the job site for a bit while Alice and I were at Nana's. Then they joined us to play. Andy, Kim, Campbell, and Hailey came while we were there. That night was the Logan fireworks. The kids played around with each other and had fun watching the show. Alice was fine once I covered her ears.


On the fourth the kids went four wheeling at the shop in the morning. We shot off bottle rockets, made taffy, and did face paints that afternoon. We had a delicious dinner flowed by a personal firework show provided by Andy, Tony, and Billie. The older kids got to light off some fireworks to. Alice wanted her ears covered again and even had me coveting her eyes in the end with the big ones.








Friday Casey worked half a day. He came back and watched Alice while my mom and I joined Andy and Kim with the older kids boating. Kendal and Peter surprised me with how brave they were in the boat and riding the tubes. They had a blast and wanted to go faster and faster! I made Navajo tacos that night for dinner, followed by creamies; Yum!




Saturday we took the kids to the Home Depot work shop in the morning. The kids all made tow trucks (which Alice wore as a bracelet for awhile). After lunch at chick fill a we all went to the Logan aquatic center to swim. Alice was slow tho warm up to the water, but after a bit she was fearless. Kendal and Peter played around and went down the side a bit. It was a bit busy, but perfect on a hot day. We even got to see, Pam, Corrie, Hallie, and their families set the pool to. That evening we took dinner out to Nanas and spent time with her and Emma before we headed home.



This past week:
Casey had a teacher's workshop Tuesday and Wednesday at CSI, then the rest of the week he was off at our Stakes High Adventures camp in Nevada. He had a great time at the camp helping with their ropes course area. He was over zip lines, be laying ropes, etc. He said it was a great experience, but his muscles are nice and sore.
Tuesday Kendal had a pre orthidontia appointment to talk teeth. She'll have to have a few removed to help her grown up teeth do what they should be doing. Afterwards I took the kids to the first federal park to play, then we donned some spots and ears and went to chick fill a for their cow appreciation day. We all got free lunch and Casey even joined us for his conference lunch break.
First couple of pictures: don't leave permanent markets out for a two year old to find (thank you rubbing alcohol, and magic erasers, goodbye dress. Peter's latest kiwi crate!






I was scheduled for jury duty Wednesday, but since it was settled I was free to be with the kids. We went to both Kimberly and twin falls libraries so the kids could cash in on their reading logs and get their rewards. Kimberly was a let down in prizes, but Twin gave them plenty to enjoy.
Friday we joined the Birks and went to Dirkies lake for some, sun, too much sand, and water fun. Alice had so much fun, but was everywhere and I had to stay close. Peter played in the water a bit, and tried to catch fish with gold fish crackers for awhile, but was more about building and creating things in the sand. Kendal was in and out of the water loving everything. After dinner I took the kids to use a library reward and enjoy kiwi loco. It was a nice treat and much needed sugar break for this single mom of the week.



Saturday I took the kids to the good neighbor days parade. They were well supplied with popsicles and "tandy". Alice waved at everybody and everything it was cute. We enjoyed the parade, but I wasn't going to chase three kids around a crowded park. After lunch Kendal and Peter went to play in the neighbours pool. Casey came home later in the day! We took the kids out to Culvers (another library freebee) for dinner.



Daddy's home!

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