Thursday, May 2, 2019

April showers. . . bring on the Mayhem

The day before Easter we went to Raft River. All of the siblings made it this year!! 16 grand babies! I stole and snuggled sweet Madelyn for a good part of the day!! We hung out while the kids had fun playing around the house and outside. After lunch the kids got to do an egg hunt outside. Casey's mom always goes all out for the hunt. The kids are very spoiled and very happy!


Easter Sunday Casey got to stay home from extra meetings! Kendal and Peter found their baskets quickly and set to work finding their colored grass. Alice slept in longer, and had plenty of help finding her goodies. I didn't get pictures of the hunt (just enjoyed the moment, chaos, and joy.) Each kid got new summer sandals and a shirt. Kendal and Peter got a little Lego figure. Each child got an activity book. Kendal got Mad Libs, Peter a maze book, and Alice got a coloring book. The older two got gel pens with their books. Alice got a Pez bunny also. Church was great! I snapped a couple of pictures after church of our trio (too windy outside). I'm so grateful for my little family. Because of Him they are my forever!


Wednesday for story time the Library did an Easter hunt. There were 700 eggs for seven kids to hunt down. Alice gave up after a bit and started putting her eggs back. They ended by handing in their eggs for one filled with candy.
That afternoon I went with the youth to do baptisms in the Temple. It's always a good experience (even if I'm stuck on locker room duty every time).  After the temple, we had a dinner for the youth at the church. Because I was gone, Casey took the kids to Arctic circle for dinner (Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the Easter gift!)
Last week was Peter's turn to do the math club that built mini bunk beds. He enjoyed the club, but was more excited to use the big tools on Thursday when everyone who did the club this last month and their parents went to the school to build real beds. Peter quickly found he couldn't handle, and wasn't given, the big tools, but he got to help here and there. Kendal was at a screwing station for a while, then tried to handle a sander for a couple of minutes. Both kids goofed off and wandered for part of the build, but it is hard for smaller kids and the oldest group plus parents kind of took over. I found myself sanding for an hour and a half trying to keep track of a wandering Alice who happily found a bucket of ice with water bottles. The kids were very proud of the little beds they built and what we were able to do in the big build.


We took the kids swimming Saturday to  prep them for their lessons this week. (Learning from past years they need a refresher and warm up before lessons start.) Alice was a bit cold but still enjoyed herself. We encouraged (cough cough bribed cough cough) Kendal to swim across the width of the pool and she did! Peter was confident and happy which is great going into lessons.
We had a ward dinner that night at the park. The kids ate their fill of treats over dinner and played with their church buddies. Alice stole helmets and wore them for a bit, followed kids across the street, and got down on all fours to lick her brothers cookie for him. So eventful and fun all around.

The kids started swim this week. They have two lessons under their belts and are doing good and growing in skill already.  I didn't think I could keep Alice from the water so I took her swimming Tuesday. She's definitely fearless and wanted to be in the deep end like brother and sister. She was everywhere! Thankfully, track is done now and Casey kept her today so I could just watch the other two without my active sidekick.


 Casey is officially done with track for the season. His boys had a good season and overall won most meets. It's getting harder for the students to come in with a good drive and work ethic anymore in sports. While there are a few who give it their all the rest of the kids lost steam by the end. : (  I'm proud of Casey and the dedication, time, and heart he puts into coaching and teaching; theses kids are so lucky to have him!
We have a busy month ahead. The kids have swim, then track starts in a couple of weeks. Darrington get together is next weekend. Field trips, tests, plus other school happenings, then school ends. Piano, and choir performances. We'll be busy, and I'm sure it will go fast.

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