Monday, January 22, 2018

Happenings, Alice's birthday, & nerdy love

Look at these handsome boys! We rarely have success getting Peter to wear a traditional Sunday shirt and tie. A few weeks ago he found this tie while shopping. He has worn it and his white shirt for three weeks!! Peter gave a talk yesterday! He started out taking about Grandpa Loosle and how he uses plans to make houses, and then went on to talk about Heavenly Father's plan for us. He whispered his talk, but at least he gave it so we're calling it a win. 

The kids got a fort kit from our friends and we set it up a few weekends ago. I also put it up on the ceiling in their room for a week. Simple times are some of the best times. (Also trying to stay busy and keep sanity while Daddy is gone on Saturdays for basketball.)
David and Anica welcomed baby Isaac into their family in the ninth! I'm so excited to meet him!
My parents and Katherine came up the Saturday before Alice's birthday. They gave Alice some books, little people for her house, jammies, and an awesome quilt my mom made. It was nice to spend time together. My mom and Katherine got to hear my lesson on Divine design Sunday. It's important to realize God's divine design in our lives and to be grateful for his hand in our lives.  I am truly grateful for the path my life has taken, and the many blessings I have (especially those I get to call family). We had Casey's parents over Sunday for dinner so we could celebrate Alice together. They gave Alice some cute shoes! We got to sing to Alice and She loved her birthday cupcake!

Alice's birthday was an easy going day. We went out to lunch with Vanessa and her kids at Arctic circle. Alice got to eat cupcake number two! We had a simple dinner when Casey got home and just enjoyed our little Alice! She's taken steps this past week. Still a bit away from waking, but She'll get there soon. She had her check up the following day. She's healthy and doing great. She got six shots : /, but took it like a champ. She's also working on her two front teeth which have made life a bit rough this week.

I had Peter hold Alice in place. I love his face peaking in the picture.

We made it to a couple of Casey's games these past couple of weeks. He won one and lost the other that we made it to. Alice is also no longer content on my lap so I had to follow her around the bleachers for a bit during each game. Casey's team has their last game tomorrow! The season for the older girls ends in a few weeks.
The kids had school off today. We went to Casey's classroom so I could work on a project. The kids played around. I caught this cute pictures of Casey's future students.
Kendal has been reading the second Harry potter this past month. She wanted to finish this weekend so she packed in a few hours of reading so we could watch the movie today. She enjoyed the book and was exited to read it and see the story unfold. Today we watched the movie and had our special treat of "poly juice potion" and "brooms". I'm proud of the little reader she's become and how hard she works towards her goals in school. I started reading the Harry Potter 2 with Peter, but felt it was more important to have him read and get play quality time with me so we let it go. Peter is also picking up words really well and is doing great with easy reader books. We've also watched a bunch of Star Wars movies this past month. Peter is really into them lately and has enjoyed being immersed in the stories. Casey and I are loving seeing our kids share our love of Harry Potter and Start Wars. Little nerds in the making and we wouldn't have it any other way. Can't forget our other cutie who may be to young to care about it all, but wherever brother and sister are she likes to be also. (The force is strong with this one ; )

Casey and I also got a rare date over the weekend! We went to see The Greatest Showman. It was really good, a wonderful break with my sweetheart. 

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