Friday, September 29, 2017


Peter scored his first goal in soccer last night!! When Peter is in the mood he is focused, gets in there, and participates. However, as with most things his effort is all about mood. So when he's in the mood he'll play decently, when he's not he's everywhere doing anything. But you look at most kids on the field and they're all pretty much the same. Peter's team does seem to be the most carefree team out of the four Kindergarten teams. but they enjoy themselves. Last night Peter played Becca's team. He was pretty focused throughout the game with the typical crazy bits in between (climbing a fence, being silly with team mates, running at family to chat), but he was in the right place at the right time and made a goal for his team! While I know he could utilize his skills more; I've got to remember with all things he goes at it on his terms. Since his team has scored very few goals this past month his coaches have gone to bribing the kids if they score a goal. So Peter asked for "Willy Wonka" candy for the next game as the reward. Here's to more goals for Peter!

Kendal told me a couple of weeks after school started that she made an AR (reading) goal and has to get 40 points by Christmas! (After each book she reads she takes a comprehension test and if she passes she get between .5 to 2 points depending on the book) She and one other kid in her class have this high goal with reading. It seemed a bit daunting, but she's eager and excited to read and earn her reward! She's loving all things school. Her favorite subjects are math and reading and as always she really enjoys her extras (art, literacy, music, pe).

Alice has embraced crawling and now makes her way all over the house. She goes anywhere and seems to find every tiny scrap of ? off of the floor and sticks it in her mouth. She also loves to clap lately. Her main goal seems to be discovering and tasting everything around the house. My goal is to keep her safe and continue working on sleeping through the night. She's had a few more successful nights, but overall she's just not there yet.

Casey and I have a couple of goals. We've been trying our best to learn and change our interactions with the kids when they have negative behavior. As with all things it's a work in progress and some days are better than others. We have good days and hard days, but we keep trying and that's what matters.
Our other goal is finding a house. Simply put we're getting nowhere in that search. As with all things in my life, It takes time, and it'll happen on the Lord's timeline - not my own.

So here's to hard work, perseverance, hope, and maybe a bit of luck.

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