Sunday, July 16, 2017

Alice is six months!

Alice is six months old!
Alice takes after big sister and as become quite the chatter box. She likes to babble and make noises. She even has a girly tone to some of what she says.
Alice has tried a handful of foods this past month. (cereals, bananas, applesauce, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, and pears, with a few samplings from mom and dad's plates.) So far she likes them all and her appetite seems to be growing because when she's in the mood she'll eat quite a bit and get upset when were done feeding her. She also seems to be weaning herself because she's less content nursing these days. She likes to chew on everything. If she can grab it, it goes in her mouth.
She's done some more rolling this month both ways. Some days quite a bit, some days not so much. She likes to push her body off of the floor also. So between that and rolling she can move around when she's on the ground, and makes it all around her crib.
She's still not sleeping through the night. I just don't have the heart / nerve to make her cry it out yet. So I feed her early in the morning and she sleeps another stretch in our room because big brother and sister don't know how to be quiet in the mornings to let her sleep in. (She does sleep two really good streatches though 10 - 11 hours combined with a short feeding in there.)
Alice will happily smile, talk to, and go to most people; although it's all about Mama when she's tired or hungry. Kendal and Peter still sMother her to pieces. I appreciate their adoration; however they can be a bit much sometimes. Alice doesn't seem to mind. She takes it in stride and Peter is usually the one to get the most giggles out of her. She's generally a content / happy baby. She still tends to get fussy at night though. Her bright little eyes are finishing turning brown, and her hair is finally yet slowly starting to regrow!
These past six months have flown by. I'm trying my best to savor things about Alice and her milestones because she's our last. I love her chunky legs, her sweet babbles, her giggles, the way she smiles and lights up when people talk to her.
Happy six months Sweetheart!

At sux months Alice is 16 lb 10 oz (58%) and 26 in. tall (either she's lost height in the last two months, or as usual they didn't measure her right at her last appointment : /

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