Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bit of July

Our Summer at home is filled with simple days. The kids love to play outside with neighbors. We do "lesson" time every day. We do activities, library time, lunches at the park, and lots of bike time. We wanted to beat the heat a couple of weeks ago so we took the kids to the park / splash pad. They split their time between the park and getting wet.

We went out to Raft River for Cheryl's birthday on the 17th. Everyone made it (except for Cody who was in Europe). We had a good afternoon / evening with everyone and the kids enjoyed playing.
Monday the 18th was Casey and my tenth anniversary. Casey watched the kids plus Brett and Vanessa's kids while I was in town and cleaning the church in the morning. After lunch Brett and Vanessa's took the kids and Casey and I went on a date. I wanted to do something we've never done together so we chose to kayak along the Snake river. We had a good time going up the river and just enjoying time together. We stopped for a treat after than picked up the kids. We took the kids to dinner at a Chinese buffet that evening.

I told Casey as significant as ten years is, it's feels like just a marker in a bigger picture. A marker that says we've come this far, done this much, grown so much, and love each other more than ever.  Casey has been in my life for eleven years and we have an eternity to look forward to. It's full of hopes, dreams, and wonderful times come. I'm so happy to have Casey as my best friend, my eternal companion, the man of my dreams, and my heart.

Casey took the kids out for a bike ride last week. It turned into a long trek and they made stops at the middle school and elementary school asking the way. He was proud of the kids willingness to go fast and how well they did with him.

We headed to Logan last Wednesday. Casey went to help on David's house and we got in some good family time over the holiday weekend. Thursday was spent playing at my parents house. We got to have Elliot join us for a dinner that night. Friday morning the kids and I had a park play date with my high school friend Tamra. The kids had fun at the park, and I got to catch up with a sweet friend and love on her sweet baby girl.

Saturday we took lunch out to the boys and got to see the progress on David's house. That evening Andy, his girlfriend and their kids joined us for a pizza picnic. The kids got to do bottle rockets and run through sprinklers. Andy brought some awesome fireworks that we all got to enjoy that night. Peter did step on a sparkler; thankfully it was a tiny burn. All is well and he was running and playing the next morning.

Sunday we had a relaxing morning at my parents and then went to church. Nana joined all of us for dinner that night. Our attempt at an annual cousin photo.
Monday was the 24th celebrations in the area. We headed up to the North Logan parade. I caught up with Aunt Bonnie for a bit then we enjoyed the parade. After the parade we went to the church park. Kendal and Peter got to do some bounce slides and runs, then they played some mini carnival type games. When we were done with the heat headed back to my parents. We enjoyed a picnic with everyone. The kids got to make epic bubbles and play the afternoon away in my parents yard.

Tuesday we had a relaxing morning. We took the kids to the castle playground by the temple. After lunch we headed home.

We're back home to our typical Wednesday. Laundry, library time, outside play, lessons. Summer is winding down. Casey has three weeks before he's back to work then coaching. Then the kids will have school at the end of August. Kendal is already begging to buy school supplies.

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