Sunday, May 8, 2016

Love you

Lately I've dwelt on my insecurities and shortcomings as a mother. It's easy to get swept up in the things I wish I could do better as a mom. Amongst all of the mothers day messages at church today the one that struck me the most came from my Bishop. He spoke of young mothers being in the thick of things, and things may not always be easy. But what matters is trying. If we are trying we are succeeding, even if it's not always prevalent. So I will try to go forward trying a little more everyday to seek the good in motherhood and try my best to be the mother I hope to be.
Last week as my Nana watched my kids play around she made a comment about it being amazing she had seven kids because just watching my two made her feel busy.
I often think about my mom, mom-in-law, and grandmother's. They raised many children. They did it in different generations where there weren't modern convienences current mothers can't live with out. They raised large, wonderful families. They are the ultimate examples I look up to in many many ways. I love them for all they have done and continue to do. I marvel at their amazing work. Thank you for your care, your love, your sacrifices, and your examples. I love you all.
To my sister. Your motherly influence reaches father than you know. Your work is special as are you.
To my sister in law's; in the trenches of young motherhood; you are amazing as well, and you are appreciated and loved more than you know.
Happy mommies day my wonderful family!

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