Sunday, April 17, 2016

Embracing the warm days

We're embracing any warm days that we have by playing outside. Peter and Kendal like to join some neighbor kids to ride bikes almost daily. Peter is doing so well on his bike. If he falls he'll get right back up and zip off again in no time. His poor legs are bruised and scraped from his many spills (thinks he can go as fast as he did with training wheels). 
Last Saturday we went for a walk around Dirkies. It was a beautiful spring day. The kids enjoyed themselves. We ended by going down to the lake where Casey and the kids put their feet in the chilly water.

Yesterday morning we ran some errands in town. Cody and Momma D were in town to see Davids game so we got to see them for a few minutes. After lunch we played outside with the kids. Casey got a giant bad mitten set from school that we tried out. We decided to go over to the school and play Frisbee golf with the kids.

Casey's had two track meets so far. Valley was two weeks ago on a very windy day. This week they were at Gooding on a very wet day. Casey and Brett Welch are over the boys (6th-8th grade). They are doing very well in the meets so far and expect to continue their success. The next two meets are at Kimberly and the last meet - "districts" will be at Filer. Hopefully the weather for the meets will be good, because they've had very iffy spring days with only a few good sunny days mixed in.
The kids start swim lessons in a little over a week. It'll be Peters first time and he is nervous, but I'm hoping with some super life savors and a Disney bribe he'll be cooperative with his teacher and do his best in lessons.
Kendal and Casey are winding down the school year. Six weeks left and Kendal will be done with her first year of school. In her words she's going to be a smart first grader and she can't wait for this fall to have more time to learn, play, and have a blast in school. Casey's just fine with school being out soon. You reach a certain point in the year and the kids have spring fever and testing is coming up, so those two together the end of school can't come fast enough.

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