Friday, March 18, 2016

Let's Play

Last week it was Idaho's turn to vote in the primary elections. Casey and I felt it our duty to go and vote. Casey got off work and voted before coming home (no line, in and out) I decided to go after dinner was done and cleaned up. Big mistake. I went there and the line was out to the parking lot, then within a minute of standing in line they said they had ran out of voting sheets. I ended up spending over an hour waiting in line; listening to political talk and chatting with a few other people I knew.  Took quite a while to get one simple vote in, but it matters. Casey and I are so puzzled at how much America is backing Mr. Trump it boggles the mind why people want him to run our country with the nonsense that comes out of his mouth. We cringe as results continue to come in and hope our vote this November isn't between Trump and Hilllary because I consider that a no win situation.
By the end of the month Casey will have had four dentist appointments. Poor guy has suffered quite a bit over his tooth resulting in a root canal. Luckily he's doing better and the rest of his mouth checks out just fine. He's just finished round two of his antibiotics to fight the infection and is happy to get off the medication. He also started track last week. This week on Monday and Tuesday the kids got to go out in hail and rain, and every other day has been sunny but with cold winds. Personally running is just crazy to me so all of these kids willingly doing it in an Idaho spring is beyond me. Good luck with this season!
We took the kids to the Kimberly park Saturday. Kendal's been begging to practice tennis and it was a sunny day (windy but sunny). Peter lost interest quickly and opted to play on the playground.

We took the kids to get ice cream for family night this week. It was a treat in honor of my Papa's birthday that was last week. The kids are always up for ice cream and loved a reason celebrate and get some.
I decided to turn an old church shirt of my Papa's into an Easter outfit for Kendal. She was so excited to help me make it. We even pulled out a few of her old baby clothes and altered them to make a swimsuit, and two dresses for her American doll. She loves learning to sew and was thrilled with the results. (Easter outfit to be pictured later ; )

Pictures - Kendal with her creations she sewed for her doll. - Kendal had out my old dress up and was taking pictures of herself while I cooked dinner. - Kendal cut out the figure and drew this picture on her own. She was pretty proud of her work. (the bright area is fireworks.) The back of the picture says Mad bi Kendal th rtist tuc alot uv wrk (Made by Kendal the artist, took a lot of work.) I love how she's spelling on her own and how some words come out. 

Peter's imagination has no limit. He creates everyday. Sometimes he wants playmates and sometimes he'll go off on his own adventures. Yesterday Peter decided to be a pirate (We watched Peter pan last week and we're going to the play at the high school in a couple of weeks.) He had me put a bandanna on, make him an eye patch, and find his sword. He turned over the chair for his ship and "steered" the bottom as his wheel with his "mateys" in the back. He taught us to sing farmer in the dell, happy birthday, and to say arrrh! Kendal just had to join in the fun when she got home. They got a couple of shoe boxes and rounded up "treasure" around the house to hide. I even let my pirates accompany my to the grocery store in their getup's.

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