Sunday, February 14, 2016

Forever my Valentines

 Daddy is number one in our house. All afternoon Casey has been watching youtube Disney songs with the kids. He's telling them all about the characters and singing along with the songs. It melts my heart when I see these simple moments. I love these three so very much and I'm one lucky lady to have them as my forever Valentines!

This week. . .
We got to feed the missionaries on Thursday. Once the kids warmed up to the elders it was nonstop talking. I think Kendal shared everything she had to say possible and Peter wanted to share his toys with them. Thankfully our ward is full of active young families so it's probably the normal for theses elders to be surrounded by so much energy. It was nice to teach the kids about more about missionaries and missionary work.
Peter and I got to help out at Kendal's Kindergarten Valentines party on Friday. We played don't eat Pete, the kids also made a valentine for their parents, played a relay game, and ate snacks. Kendal came home with a bucket of sweet valentines that she's been sharing with Peter. She made Casey and I cute Valentines that she hid and gave us this morning. 
Friday night we went and ate a chili dinner at the high school and watched the end of the boys JV and part of the Varsity games. The kids didn't like having to sit by us the whole time (they have more space and freedom in daddy's limited attendance games ; ), but they did well.
Saturday the kids got to go to David's star wars party. Since then we've had to make light sabors (known as light savors in our house) and played action hero's.

 Kendal has Ray hair, and Peter is the temperamental robot PD3.

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