Sunday, June 21, 2015

Peter is 3

Peter is a daily source of laughter in our home. He says and does funny things that make us smile and wonder where this ball of laughs came from.
Peter is generally good and easy going. However he has a good stubborn side to him which comes out when he's tired, or when things aren't going his way. When he's in his stubborn \grumpy mood he tends to hit and throw things, we can't get him to do anything, and he gives a great glare. (Terrible twos came at the end of being two and seem to be rolling over into the tyrannosaurus threes.)
Peter has an engineers mind. He loves to create with his Lego's, and is inventive with his toys. He is always trying to figure things out, how they work and how they come apart ; ).
We never know how Peter will be meeting people. Sometimes he's friendly and will play \ flirt with people. Other times he wants to cling to mom and dad for a bit then he'll warm up and be friendly.
Peters favorite things to do are ride his bike, play Lego's, and play with his cars. Peter loves his bike that he got from Campbell. He took to the biggest bike quickly and lives to maneuver it all around. He still goes for his little trike when he's in the mood to collect rocks or go fast down our neighbors sloped driveway. When were outside if Peter isn't riding his bike we can find him digging in the dirt.
He still has a general fear of animals. Dogs scare him (with time though he can warm up a bit like he did to chum my uncle's dog), and he's weary of cats. If ones around he won't play he'll just watch it to make sure it's not coming to get him.
Peter and Kendal get along pretty well these days. The only downside to this is they'd rather talk and play together instead of going to bed at night.

Interview with Peters favorites -
Color: "blue, like my bed"
Toy: "lightning mcneen"
Animal: "monkey"
(After these questions Peter turned into his stubborn self and stopped giving answers so we filled in some, and gave up on the rest.)
Food: peanut butter
Song: bang bang choo choo train, the dance, & over the rainbow
Snack: yogurt, bananas, or fish crackers
TV show: dinosaur train
Favorite comfort items: his monkey and blue dot blanket that he won't sleep without.
Nicknames: buddy

Plus happy father's day to my amazing husband and daddy to my dynamic duo, to my sweet father in law, and my wonderful Papa Pill! You three men are so special to Kendal, Peter, and me! Love you all!

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