Saturday, February 28, 2015

Donkey Basketball!

Every year the FFA holds a fundraiser. They get students, coaches/teachers, and local firemen/policemen to come and participate in Donkey basketball. Apparently this is an Idaho thing because I've never heard of it before but Casey was aware of it. They first had some athletes pitted against the firemen/cops. I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face at how odd / funny it all was. People riding around as the Donkeys went in circles around the gym, sometimes falling off, sometimes getting off to pull their donkey towards a fallen basketball. Casey was apart of the second group of teachers/coaches vs. FFA club members. For the first half of Casey's game he was in the middle not on a donkey; he began the game, tried to get runaway balls, and tried to steal the ball off of donkey riders passing by. The second half of the game he got on a donkey! He did as well as anyone trying to keep balance, direct an unpredictable mule, and get some shots up.  Peter was mesmerized for most of our time there, but didn't want to touch the donkey's after. Kendal was loving it all, asking a million questions, and wanting to pet and ride a donkey as well.

Last couple of weeks:

On presidents day we went for a walk around Dirkies Lake with Brett, Vanessa and the kids. It's about a mile walk around the lake. Peter and Becca were holding hands for the first bit of our walk. Kendal and David were everywhere. Kendal loved spotting animal tracks in the mud and asked a lot of questions (as usual : ) David discovered his voice echoed so he spent the latter half of our walk testing out his vocal chords. We even spotted a rock chuck along the way. Peter did awesome and walked the whole way which is a big deal since he is prone to trying to get his way onto our shoulders on long walks.  The sun was out and it was a beautiful walk.
We've continued to relish outside time with the abnormally warm weather. When we hit a couple of windy / slightly cold days this week the kids were confused why outside time had to be cut shorter or they were cold.Kendal is getting better at riding her bike. She can go for good stretches by herself, but she still tends to lean to the right as she rides.
We've enjoyed more of Daddy time these past couple of weeks. Kendal has gotten him to play games with her almost everyday and she's loving it. Casey took her on a Daddy Daughter date to the regional spelling bee. He had a few students from the school / our ward in the bee and knew Kendal would find it interesting. She however asked a lot of questions and was telling a kid his word was wrong while he was on stage (Casey had to shush her up. She's definitely opinionated and sometimes doesn't have a filter - we're working on that.)
Kendal is still enjoying preschool and learning with me. She's getting so much better at reading. Since Peter was potty training this past month and getting rewards Kendal wanted in on the action too. She set a goal to read twenty five books to earn a prize. She accomplished that goal this week and will proudly take her two quarters to Smiths next week to spend. She wants to earn ice cream next.
Peter is pretty much potty trained. As long as I make sure he goes every few hours he stays dry. He's getting better at going on his own but when deep play is going on it's hard for him to leave it and go potty. He also has a hard time holding in non solid poops (sorry tmi), but does well with all other forms. Peter is loving building with his Legos and comes up with a new house / plain, train, or treasure chest daily. Casey says he was the same at his age and made lots of planes as a kid.
Pictures below. These kids can't get enough of play dough time and it's my go to on Thursdays when I'm cleaning bathrooms. Kendal and Peter's Lego creations. 

Our stake boundaries changed this month and a new ward was created. We are now part of the sixth ward. It's pretty much a condensed version of our old ward with half a dozen new families added. Our ward now meets at one which is horrible for nap time and with a young ward like ours sacrament meeting definitely was loud on Sunday. Casey is now the Sunday School president for the ward. They were looking for someone to come in and be a guide for the youth of the ward and be a good leader. Since Casey teaches the bishops son they knew he does well with youth. He'll be great at this calling and I'm grateful for the wonderful work he does. I am still call - less; however I was asked to teach primary on Sunday and they were putting together class lists and going over it with me and some of the other teachers to see if it was fine with us so I  figure I'm staying in primary, but we'll see.

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