Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bring on the warm weather!

There is a glimmer of spring in the air!! We haven't had much snow on the ground for a while now, and any major storm that has hit east Idaho this past month didn't make it up to Challis. So, we're seeing a lot of grass (dead grass covered in deer scat, but grass none the less). It's also been a bit warmer this past week which is so nice. We ventured out to the local park last Friday. Kendal was over the moon! We don't get out much; between Casey having the car for work / coaching, and freezing winter temperatures we've been stuck at home a lot this winter. Kendal wanted to run around and do everything. She was also so proud of herself because she's learned how to pump on the swing. We weren't there long before another family pulled up to play. Funny enough Kendal's little football buddy Cassy was among the kids. We haven't seen them since the last home football game, but it didn't matter. The girls spent the next little while following each other around and having a ball. We think Peter liked the park. I say think because this dude doesn't always express himself. Going down the slide - no reaction, swinging - no reaction (unless Casey prodded him for one).
Hopefully the warm weather continues for us to get out some more this spring : D

 I thought i would venture down memory lane and try out kinky hair on Kendal. My arthritic hands paid the price for a couple of days but it was sweet to see Kendal all cute and fluffy (just like i remembered). 
Peter is loving to explore. He loves to pull himself up on things lately. We've had to lower his crib mattress twice in the past few weeks because he's learned to get to a sitting position by himself, and now can stand at his crib. Also he has finally started to crawl on all fours the last couple of days. He's loving his new found independence.

1 comment:

Sarah and Terry said...

yay for warmer weather!! We need to take a trip and come see you! I think we're headed to Pocatello on the 15th-that's about half way right? Lets meet in the middle and party!