Sunday, January 20, 2013

Through Kendal's eyes

Just by reading the side bar full of Kendal's doings you know she is at such a fun age. The side bar is just a sampling of what Kendal says and does. She is at such a funny age where she questions everything, wants to know about everything, and is gaining independence everyday.
Kendal is enjoying sunbeams. She is one out of two sunbeams (the other boy comes irregularly), so her class is combined with the next older age. I felt like it might be hard for her to be with kids who know more, and can do more than her; but she doesn't mind a bit. Back when Casey and i taught primary we would look at the antsy sunbeams and wonder how Kendal would be as one. Since I'm the primary chorister i get to see first hand how she is. Just as i expected Kendal doesn't sit still very well for lessons (today i think i saw her in her seat for 2 minutes). At one point in the lesson she was hopping along to what the leader was saying. I try my best to keep her in her seat, but she's an active kid, and it's hard transitioning from nursery to classes. Kendal is good though at giving answers and likes to sing along to the simpler songs that i sing with the children.
At home Kendal likes to be doing things. She likes to play games throughout the day, be crafty (paint, color, play dough, etc.), get read to, pull out too many toys, and get in her brothers face. She's starting to get better at self directed play and has a sweet imagination. On the days she doesn't nap (which is about every other day lately) i hear her in her room talking with her animals / dolls, she also reads to them, and plays with random toys in her room until she gets bored on her own.
Kendal is very involved with Peter. She wants to love him, talk to him, and make him laugh all day long. Sometimes she can be a little much, and Pete doesn't appreciate the in the face attention, but i know she means well. We keep having to remind her of Peters limitations; such as he can't eat everything we can, or get hugged to tight, and he hurts easier than we do. She doesn't always listen either; sometimes i turn around from doing dishes and she's trying to put a spoonful of her food into Peter's mouth.
Kendal is not shy. Casey and i don't consider ourselves to be extroverts in anyway; so i find it interesting how social Kendal is with people. Kendal will talk to anyone and everyone when we are out and about. She'll talk to complete strangers without hesitation (this scares me, and I'm trying to teach her stranger danger without taking away her social ease with people). Whether it be the store, a basketball game, or church Kendal can find people to chat with, bug, and befriend. She'll especially go up to anyone with their phone out, or tablet wanting to see what their doing, and possibly play a game with them.
Kendal has loved her camera from Christmas. She takes pictures and videos almost every day. I've deleted countless pictures, but sometimes a few show up that make me smile.
I apologize for the quality. The camera she got has no flash; and again these were taken by a 3 yr old : )
 Kendal's beloved duckie

 She had a ton of her feet, this one is the clearest

Peter is doing awesome. Aside from his in-your-face sister bugging him sometimes, he's a pretty good baby. Pete is in love with food. Anything he can eat he will eat. No teeth yet, but judging by his excess drool and chomping down on everything we think teeth will pop out in the next month or so.  Pete is not quite scooting yet. He's starting to get frustrated when things are out of reach, so he rocks and rolls until he gets to where he wants. He babbles a lot. He mostly says bababa, and when he's crying he'll say mamama. We're working with him on Dada though. Pete loves to observe. I don't have to take much to entertain Peter at a basketball game because he spends the whole time watching the game or making faces with people nearby. He constantly watches Kendal and what she's doing. When we go somewhere new or different he spends a long time turning his head every which way so that he can take in what's around him. He's a decent sleeper, but has the occasional night where i feel like we get up a few too many times. (I really want to sleep train Peter, but it's been hard where he shares a room with Kendal, and nap / bed times just don't mesh with their different schedules) He does occasionally go down on his own, but for the most part we're still having to get him to sleep.
I love these two little ones. It's not always easy with these two, but it only takes a few minutes of reflection to remind me of how much i love them and how blessed we are.

1 comment:

Janalee said...

Oh those kind of pictures are way too familiar!:) I love that my kids have their own camera now, but like you, I have deleted countless videos and pictures. :)