Monday, September 24, 2012

3 months and a Visit

Peter turned 3 months old on the 21st. We love him so very much, and still can't believe we've been blessed with two sweet kids.
Lately Pete:
- can roll over (from stomach to back; but has to be in the mood to do it)
- is very social. smiles a lot and he responds to voices and faces a lot more
- gives sweet cooes
- has a partial laugh (It's as though he holds in his whole laugh)
- has slept through the night on multiple occasions, but not every night yet.
- likes his sister until she is on top of him or giving him too much love / attention
- has cute chunky legs. He is definitly bigger than Kendal was at this age.
- loves loves loves his bath
- can raise his head and hold it up well
- loves to stand up
- can try my patience one minute , then melts my heart the next (just like his sister)

Kendal thought Pete should give her ducky a piggy back ride-

Along with Pete turning three months old this past weekend my parents and sister came up to Challis for a visit. We did a little count down with Kendal leading up to their visit. She liked it, but would get upset every so often that they couldn't come that day. My parents spoiled us bringing up some garden treats including a massive pumpkin, some treats for Kendal, and some things for our house. (THANK YOU : ) We were all very happy to see each other; it's been an adjustment not being close to family. We got caught up on happenings on friday, and spent some time Saturday doing a few things around the house, visiting, and exploring Challis, and sunday they went to church with us. I felt bad because our air quality was at its worst this past weekend because of the fires, thus limiting our outings. Kendal was over the moon having her "aunt Kafrine" and Grandma and Grandpa around all weekend; and Pete was giving smiles all around.
Loved having family around. Thanks for coming Mom, Dad, and Katherine : )

1 comment:

Janalee said...

That is one seriously large pumpkin!!

It is such an adjustment to not live so close to family. Its hard and yet wonderful for your marriage. I am going on 6 years of it and I still find it to be an adjustment at times.