Thursday, July 5, 2012


Pete is two weeks old today. He is growing well; he now weighs 8 lbs 1 oz. (50th %). It feels like Kendal has grown a lot too, but that's probably because we are comparing her to little Pete. Kendal has done very well adjusting to her little brother. She is helpful (as helpful as a two yr old can get), and sweet to her little brother. She wakes up asking where he is and what's he doing. She is always wanting to know what's going on and what we're doing. Everyone who comes over has to see Kendal's new bed (she loves showing off the fact that she's in a big bed, and she helped paint the bed). I have been on the mend, and am doing pretty well so far; thankfully Casey has been very helpful and so good with the kids and my roller coaster emotions. Pete has been a sleeper from day one. He can even sleep through his sister and all of her noise (i would call that a miracle). I would love it if it didn't affect his feedings. He tends to eat well for part of his feeding then he dozes off, and we have to agitate him or change his diaper to wake him back up. The last couple of night's he's started to sleep for longer periods of time (about 5 hours at a time), so finger's crossed i can start getting a bit better sleep. Just like Kendal was as a baby, Pete is a relaxed little guy, he's only worked up when he's hungry, and isn't a big crier. I've been grateful to have Casey at home the last couple of weeks, i know i can manage with two kids, but it's been nice while I've been recovering to have him here.

Pictures below: Kendal talking to Pete during tummy time -  Pete chillin w/ Daddy -  Pete's wet / curly hair -  first family walk (very short because i was in pain) -  Kendal at the local splash pad -  Pete awake!

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