Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kendal turns two!

Kendal turned two today! Kendal and i went down memory lane this morning. After some breakfast we watched home videos of Kendal when she was a newborn up to a few weeks ago playing in the leaves. We both had fun going down memory lane. Kendal would talk to the "baby Kendal" on the screen, and i would just reminisce about how long ago some of the videos seem.
We had some family over on Sunday to celebrate Kendal's birthday. Nothing big, just a dinner and Minnie Mouse cupcakes. Kendal had a blast opening presents (Christmas ought to be a lot of fun!). She got some fun gifts from family. She caries her Minnie around everywhere and wants to wear her purple coat any time we go out. Casey and i got her a Mickey Mouse music player, slippers, and art stuff (play dough / supplies, paints, coloring book, etc.).
Kendal is a fun / energetic two year old. She is always learning new things and surprising us with how much she knows. Kendal has a bright cheery personality. She is always showing us how much she loves us with Kisses and hugs. Kendal is sweet with her animals. She talks to them and gives them big hugs all day. Her new passion is for babies. Since adding three baby cousins recently Kendal is all about wrapping up her animals in blankets and giving them naps and hugs.
Kendal's current favorites:
- Music, both listening to it, and trying to sing her own tunes. Kendal was on the potty this morning singing Jingle Bells. She also went up to the piano at my parents recently and was singing the Elmo theme song.
- Color, This is harder because Kendal calls everything blue or pink. I'll say pink is her current favorite color because that is what she picks out to wear most often.
- Food, Kendal loves anything with Sauce (sauce means ketchup and can occasionally mean other things) The food she eats the best is pasta.
- Toy, Right now Kendal is loving her birthday toys. Usually she is pulling out puzzles, her ducky, or her angel (bear).
- TV show, Kendal would love it if we still had Cable and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, but since we moved Kendal's favorite show is either Super Why or Elmo.
- Book, Kendal's current favorite book is Dooby Dooby Moo. She has a plethora of books that we read over and over again, but currently it's the Cow / Duck books she's into.
- Snack, Kendal's favorite snacks are gold fish, cookies, and fruit snacks.

Casey and I are lucky parents to have such an awesome daughter. We are proud of how smart and wonderful she is.

Happy Second Birthday Kendal - (in Kendal's words) "luv ooo"


Unknown said...

How cute! Happy Birthday!

And apparently it's been awhile since I read because... she's potty trained? Seriously jealous because Paul is going to be wearing diapers forEVer, I swear...

Oh, and those mickey mouse cupcakes are adorably simple. I will have to make those sometime!

tara said...

Happy Birthday Kendal. Two year olds are so fun!

Janalee said...

I love her coat! So darling!! She is too cute, I can't believe she is two!!

Way to go on the potty training! Such a fantastic milestone to reach!!

(She really reminds me of Brynlee, in personality and favorite things at that age. Just an afterthought)

MaryAnne and Rusty said...

Happy birthday Kendal! She is seriously so cute. Yay to be potty trained!!!

Janaca and Jared Seegrist said...

Happy Birthday Kendal! It's crazy how fast time flies! Hope you guys are doing well. :)