Sunday, October 23, 2011

An Eternal Blessing

Casey and i were able to fly under the radar in our new ward for a little over a month. However they found us and had us talk today. We were told to speak on Patriarchal Blessings. They never told us how long we needed to speak. I prepared around a ten minute talk (nerves got the best of me, i spoke faster and it was about an eight minute talk). Luckily Casey was well prepared and generously filled the rest of the twenty five minutes with his wonderful talk. Casey and i both took different perspectives about the patriarchal blessing; mine was more content, blessings, guidance, and direction you can receive from it. Casey talked about lineage and the position and calling of a Stake Patriarch. He did very well. I learned more from him, then i did researching about the blessing. As i was preparing my talk i came across the idea that not only is a patriarchal blessing meant for life here on earth, but it's blessings, and promises reach into the next life. What may not be fulfilled here can be accomplished in our life to come. That was so neat to discover. I have an eternal blessing, it's a wonderful thing! I cherish my patriarchal blessing; i know Casey and i will both be reading our blessings more often, and seeking their direction, guidance, and light.

p.s. potty training going well. Kendal is loving her new found Independence.

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