Friday, March 11, 2011

My Disappointed Book Lover

Casey is an avid reader. Give him a good book and he would rather read it than do anything else (which includes reading important textbooks for school). I always know that if i'm stumped for a gift for Casey i can always get him a book off of his wish list and he'll be happy. He is such a smart guy, and i know his love for reading has been a big part of his successes in school. Casey and i have been very diligent in our reading with Kendal. She has gone through well over twenty chapter books with me, and countless picture books since she was born. She prefers books to TV. She'll unload our bookshelf in pursuit of her favorite books (Hippos go Berserk, Piggies, The little white owl, etc.), she'll drag them over to Casey or i and say up, eas and make us read them to her. I enjoy seeing her interest in books, and believe she's already a book worm.
So why is my Husband a Disappointed book lover? Well, we recently found out that the only major book store in Logan, Border's is closing this spring. Border's is a favorite shopping spot for us. Back when we were dating if i got off work and wanted to know where Casey was i would just have to go to Border's. Casey loved to go sit and read whenever he wanted, it was a great way to read his favorite books without having to buy them. So, i can say is sad to see such a great store leave. I think i better tell him to go there today and pick up some discount books for my disappointed book lover.

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